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Wis Democracy Campaign - Vos loses over redistricting contracts PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 30 April 2021 14:23

wi-fair-mapsMADISON - April 29, 2021 is a good day!

This morning, Dane County Circuit Court Judge Stephen Ehlke voided the expensive contracts that Speaker Vos and Majority Leader LeMahieu had entered into with the two law firms to prepare for upcoming redistricting battles. This is a sweet victory! And thanks to Law Forward for filing an excellent amicus brief on our behalf in this case. I write about the judge’s decision here:

Judge Voids GOP Contracts on Redistricting

And speaking about redistricting, here’s something you can do.

Our terrific ally, the League of Women Voters, is sponsoring a national day of action today to ban gerrymandering: #PeoplePoweredAction2021.

>> Please contact your state legislators and demand they co-sponsor and actively champion an end to gerrymandering. Contacting your legislators is simple with this online form: <<

Here are a few other items that might interest you.

matt-rothschild-2018When I saw that LeMahieu had reappointed Robert Spindell to the Wisconsin Elections Commission, I had to write something. Spindell was one of 10 “fraudulent electors” who pretended to represent Wisconsin at the Electoral College. I write about Spindell here:

LeMahieu Reappoints “Fraudulent Elector” to Wisconsin Elections Commission

Yesterday, I testified at the Joint Finance Committee virtual hearing on the Governor’s budget. Here’s what I said:

Evers’s Budget Moves Wisconsin Forward

And on Tuesday, I submitted testimony to the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections about a couple of the ugliest anti-voter bills:

Two of the Worst Anti-Voter Bills in Wisconsin

Please contact your legislators about them, too!


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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