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Gov. Radio - Earth Day and Badger Bounceback Agenda on Climate Change and Our Environment PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 22 April 2021 13:47

earth-dayMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered the Democratic Radio Address on Earth Day and his Badger Bounceback agenda to increase access to clean water, invest in farmer-led innovation, clean energy, and workforce development, and reauthorize the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship program.

Audio file of Radio Address

tony-eversHello, Wisconsin. Governor Tony Evers here!

This week, we’re celebrating Earth Day! Founded by Wisconsin Governor and U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day is a great source of pride for Wisconsinites and gives us an opportunity to celebrate the vast and valuable resources our state has to offer.

In order for our state and our economy to bounce back from this pandemic better than before it hit, it’s time we embrace a future where we don’t have to choose between protecting our environment and good-paying jobs and a strong economy—we can do both.

Our Badger Bounceback agenda builds on the work of our Task Force on Climate Change and invests in key areas to ensure clean water, fresh air, and fruitful land for generations to come.

Our budget includes $40 million to replace lead service lines, over $2 million for statewide monitoring and testing for PFAS, and for the first time in nearly a decade, our budget advances key administrative rules to address water contaminants like PFAS and nitrates.

And we’re investing in farmer-led innovation because our farmers know the value of our land and water, and are ready to lead the way on addressing water issues in their communities and transition to more sustainable farming practices.

This budget also invests in clean energy and workforce development by expanding electric vehicle infrastructure, generating another $100 million for the Focus on Energy program, and invests in job training for sustainable, renewable technology jobs.

And when it comes to our public lands, we are reauthorizing the successful Knowles-Nelson Stewardship program for another 10 years at $70 million annually.

Folks, it’s time to deliver on the promise to our kids that we’re leaving them with a better life and a better world than the one we inherited. I hope you’ll join me in supporting our Badger Bounceback agenda and in building a stronger, more sustainable future.

Thank you.

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