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Gov. Radio - Badger Bounceback Agenda to do What's Best for Our Kids PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 08 April 2021 16:21

tony-eversMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered the Democratic Radio Address on his Badger Bounceback agenda to do what's best for our kids, and which includes ensuring that every kid has access to a high-quality, public education, providing mental health supports for students at schools, expanding access to early childhood education and childcare, and investing in our higher education institutions.

Audio file of Radio Address.

Hey, Wisconsin! Governor Tony Evers here.

In February, I introduced my Badger Bounceback agenda, which is all about making sure our state and our economy can bounce back from this pandemic and build the future we want to see for our state.

Well, as I've always said, what’s best for our kids is best for state. So, what better way to build on our future than by investing in our kids. That’s why our Badger Bounceback agenda invests in our kids from early childhood to higher education.

We’re starting by investing more than $140 million in early education and childcare to improve access, quality, and opportunity for our kids and families. Those first few years of life set the base for all future learning.

I’m also proposing to restore our state’s commitment to two-thirds funding for our K-12 public schools, invest an additional $709 million in special education reimbursement, and fully fund sparsity aid for our students in our rural school districts.

This pandemic has been very difficult for all of us, but especially our kids. So, we’re also investing $54 million in mental health support and services for our students, too.

Finally, our higher education institutions have always been an economic driver for our state, and we need to double down if we’re going to bounce back.

We’re investing $36 million in our technical college system and making the largest investment in the UW System in 20 years at $190 million. We’re also expanding Bucky’s Tuition Promise to every UW campus to ensure kids from low-income families can get a high quality 4-year education tuition free.

If we’re going to bounce back from this pandemic better, then we have to start by making sure our kids are better off than they were when this pandemic started.

If you agree, then contact your legislator and ask them to support our Badger Bounceback agenda so we can bounce back, together.

Thank you.

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