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False Election Claims Weaken Our Democracy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jarret Brown, Green Bay   
Friday, 12 March 2021 06:06

gb-vote-47-linesWimberger claims false, Genrich, city staff, poll workers should be applauded for free and fair election in Green Bay.

GREEN BAY - Senator Eric Wimberger recently cited a “report” that included false claims about the handling of the November election by City of Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich, the city’s staff, and poll workers. As an attorney and a public official, Wimberger has a duty to speak truthfully, act ethically, and defend democracy. Instead, he is trying to undermine the people’s confidence in the election results in order to rile up his base and damage Genrich politically by citing false claims.

eric-wimbergerThere is no evidence of any kind that anyone who was a part of administering the election did anything unethical, improper, or illegal. Wimberger’s insinuations are reckless, irresponsible, and dangerous. Furthermore, they are demeaning to the city employees and poll workers who took a degree of risk in order to ensure that every citizen had the opportunity to vote during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Genrich, the city’s staff, and the poll workers should be applauded for their efforts on election day. The process of freely and fairly electing government officials was carried out in a non-partisan and transparent way.

Jarrett Brown
Green Bay, Wisconsin

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