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Gov. Radio Address - Investments Supporting Wisconsin's Kids, Families, and Caregivers PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 12 February 2021 11:58

disability-oldMADISON - Gov. Tony Evers today delivered the Democratic Radio Address on his announcement that his 2021-23 biennial budget will include major investments in childcare for kids and families and in caregiving for aging and older adults and individuals with disabilities to help support Wisconsin families and caregivers, and ensure high-quality care for Wisconsin's most vulnerable residents.

Audio file of radio address

tony-eversHi everyone, Governor Tony Evers here.

This past week I announced my 2021-2023 budget proposal will include hundreds of millions in investments supporting Wisconsin's kids, families, and caregivers.

Caring for our loved ones—from our kids to aging and older adults—should be affordable and accessible to every family, whether it’s having childcare so you can go to work or taking care of your kid, parent, or grandparent.

Even before the pandemic laid bare the issues we face as a state, we knew lack of access and affordability in the systems we use to support the people we care about was a major hurdle for families.

That's why I announced that my budget will build on the work of our Task Force on Caregiving by investing more than $600 million in Wisconsin's long-term care infrastructure, the direct care workforce, and family caregivers—to ensure that all Wisconsinites who depend on caregivers have access to affordable, quality care that allows them to live in dignity and respect, and that the folks providing that care are supported. 

And to ensure that every Wisconsin kid is taken care of, I am proposing directing $140 million over the biennium toward a new program to continue to address quality, affordability, and access, as well as equity within the childcare industry.

Investing in childcare, and caregiving and long-term care is as much a moral issue as it is an economic one. 

We have to do more to make sure families have quality, affordable childcare, that we're strengthening out caregiving workforce, and investing in long-term care, as these areas will be critical to our state's economic recovery. 

Thank you.

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