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Gov. Radio Address - Vaccine Eligibility for Wisconsinites 65 and Older PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 22 January 2021 10:47

covid-19-vaccinationMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers delivered the Democratic Radio Address Thursday on vaccine eligibility for Wisconsinites 65 and older, which begins Mon., Jan. 25, 2021.

Audio file of radio address.

Hello, Wisconsin. Governor Tony Evers here.

tony-eversWisconsinites across our state are ready and anxious to get vaccinated and that’s great because that’s how we kick this pandemic to the curb.

That’s why this week we announced starting Monday, January 25th Wisconsinites ages 65 plus will be eligible for the vaccine.

This is great news and will help save lives in one of the populations we know is particularly vulnerable to severe effects of the virus.

Although it’s important to remember that this process is going to take time to get everyone vaccinated, we’re going to move as quickly as we can and we encourage folks who are 65 or older to connect with their primary care provider or find more information at

The amount of vaccine we get from the federal government will determine how quickly we get through this group of approximately 700,000 Wisconsinites, but our healthcare partners, pharmacies, and local and tribal public health folks are ready and up to the task. They are getting to work with the supplies we do have to get to as many people as possible, as quickly and safely as possible.

Thank you.

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