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Governor's Radio Address - Calling for Bipartisan Compromise COVID-19 Bill PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 15 January 2021 11:58

tony-eversWisconsinites should put politics aside and work together to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

MADISON - Gov. Tony Evers delivered the Democratic Radio Address on Thursday calling for the Assembly to pass Assembly Bill (AB) 1 as amended and passed by the Senate this week.

Audio file of radio address

Hello, Wisconsin. Governor Tony Evers here.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect our small businesses, workers, students and parents, and the health and safety of our friends and neighbors, I called on the Legislature to pass legislation to address our most pressing COVID-19 response needs.

This week, the Senate passed a bill that—while it's not the compromise we originally proposed—AB 1 as amended by the Senate is a good start to support our state’s response to this pandemic and is a step in the right direction.

I’ve been grateful to work together with Republican Senate Majority Leader LeMahieu to find common ground and pass a bill that reflects a good faith effort to compromise and be bipartisan.

Wisconsinites believe, as I do, that we can and should put politics aside and work together.

I am calling on the Assembly to pass this bill as amended and send it to my desk without delay. Let’s get this done and let’s start this new legislative session and 2021 on the right foot.

Thank you.

Last Updated on Friday, 15 January 2021 18:06
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