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Wis Democracy Campaign - Trump Circus Comes to Wis PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 20 November 2020 10:33

trump-protesters-splitMADISON - Donald Trump’s toxic circus has come to Wisconsin, as his campaign is paying for a recount in Dane and Milwaukee counties that is bound to fail.

He is succeeding, however, in keeping the partisan turmoil boiling in our state, as I write about here:

Trump Sows Chaos and Division in Wisconsin

Also this week, the Wisconsin Supreme Court heard yet another challenge to Gov. Evers’s emergency powers during the pandemic, even as we saw record cases – and record deaths – in our state. The case before the court was brought by big Republican donor Jere Fabick, a Caterpillar truck dealer. Fabick, by the way, gave the maximum $20,000 donation to Justice Rebecca Bradley, who refused to recuse herself, as we noted here:

Justice Hears Case by Major Donor Opposing Governor’s Pandemic Actions

The norms of democracy and basic decency are flying out the window these days!

matt-rothschild-2018But we’re doing all we can, here at the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, to uphold those norms and to flash a spotlight on those who break them.

We can’t let them get away with this!


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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P.S. If you like the work we’ve been doing, please make a tax-deductible gift today to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign. Just click here. Or donate the old-fashioned way by sending a check to us at 203 S. Paterson St, Suite 100, Madison WI 53703. Thanks!

Last Updated on Saturday, 21 November 2020 10:44
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