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Risk Protection Order Legislation to Prevent Suicide and Gun Violence PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 19 September 2019 08:33


Gov. Evers, Attorney General Kaul join Rep. Sargent and Sen. Taylor in supporting extreme risk protection orders

MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers and Attorney General Josh Kaul today joined Rep. Melissa Sargent (D-Madison) and Sen. Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) to announce LRB-4383, a bill creating an extreme risk protection order (ERPO) process, which offers families and law enforcement officers the opportunity to act swiftly by seeking temporary removal of firearms by a judge when they believe someone is at risk of harming themselves or others. They released the following statements:

Gov. Evers: “It’s time to listen to the will of the people who overwhelmingly want elected officials to start taking gun violence seriously for our kids, our communities, and our state. In a state where nearly three of four gun deaths are suicide, having an ERPO process could be an important tool in helping us address firearm-related suicides in Wisconsin, and to intervene to get folks in crisis the help and treatment they need.”

Attorney General Kaul: “Law enforcement officers protect and serve communities across Wisconsin. We need to ensure that, when necessary, they have tools available to intervene and prevent tragedies. This legislation empowers law enforcement officers, as well as family and household members, with a tool they can use to take action—and potentially save lives—when people exhibit warning signs showing that they present a threat to the safety of themselves or others.”

Rep. Sargent: “Everyone in our state deserves to live without the fear of gun violence, and without losing a loved one to suicide. Yet, for far too many people here in Wisconsin, our lives continue to be affected by the tragedies of firearm-related deaths. Continued inaction is complacency, and we cannot continue to stand idly by as our communities struggle to adapt to a world in which gun violence is accepted as the new norm. We know that Extreme Risk Protection Orders have saved the lives of many innocent men, women, and children in other states—the time for Wisconsin to act is now, and I am proud to introduce this life saving piece of legislation in our state.”

Background on LRB-4383:

Under current law, a person against whom a domestic abuse or child abuse injunction has been granted is subject to automatic firearm surrender and are prohibited from purchasing or possessing a firearm. The proposed legislation mirrors this existing temporary restraining order (TRO) and injunction processes.

Under the proposed ERPO process, if a person is likely to injure themselves or another person, a family member, a household member, or a law enforcement officer may petition to temporarily prevent the person from possessing a firearm. A court would issue the TRO and subsequent injunction based on the court finding reasonable grounds that the person is substantially likely to injure the respondent or another person if they possess a firearm. Under the legislation, the ERPO injunction would be effective for up to one year and could be extended by petition if the court believes the person continues to be at risk for injuring themselves or another person.

17 other states and the District of Columbia have implemented ERPO laws similar to today's proposal and have been successful in preventing deaths.

Find a copy of LRB-4383 here.

LWV-WI to Participate in National Voter Registration Day, September 24 PDF Print E-mail
Written by League of Women Voters WI, Erin Grunze   
Wednesday, 18 September 2019 10:33

univ-student-voteNationwide 50-state effort will inform the public about voting and help voters register to vote.

MADISON, WI – The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin is proud to join and celebrate National Voter Registration Day on September 24th. The nationwide 50-state effort to register voters is the largest single, registration day in the country.

Leagues in communities all across Wisconsin will be participating in National Voter Registration Day by informing the public about voting and helping voters register to vote. Some League members will be in their local high schools registering and educating new voters.

Other League members are planning to do registration events throughout the week in various public locations in their communities. There are over 35 registration events already planned across Wisconsin, many of which are League sponsored. Wisconsin residents can find a National Voter Registration Day event near them online at

“We’re really proud that the League helped register more than 12,000 voters across the state in 2018. Our goal is to continue registering as many eligible voters as possible this fall, and participating in National Voter Registration Day is an important part of reaching our goal,” said Eileen Newcomer, Voter Education Coordinator for the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin. “We appreciate the attention National Voter Registration Day brings to remind voters to get registered. It’s never too early to check your registration status and make sure you’re registered to vote at your current address. The League is here to help anyone who needs it.”

Wisconsin voters can register and vote on Election Day because Wisconsin has Election Day Registration. Yet, even with Election Day Registration, the League recommends voters register in advance. Wisconsin residents can register to vote online at

The League invites the public to join us in celebrating National Voter Registration Day by checking their registration status, attending a registration event, and asking their friends and family if they are registered and ready to vote. We also encourage people to reach out to the League of Women Voters to find out how they can help with voter registration and join the voter service teams in their community.


The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin is a nonpartisan political organization that advocates for informed and active participation in government. There are 20 local Leagues in Wisconsin. More information at

Winnebago County to Receive Two Additional Assistant DAs PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Aaron Collins   
Wednesday, 18 September 2019 10:23

justiceMADISON – Governor Evers announced Tuesday 60 new full-time assistant district attorneys throughout the state. This the first time the state has created any new full-time GPR-funded positions since 2007. Winnebago County is set to receive two full-time assistant district attorneys. You can see the entire list here.

Representative Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement on these new positions for Winnebago County:

gordon_hintz“One of the most significant barriers to criminal justice reform in Wisconsin is the staffing shortage in district attorneys’ offices across the state. Winnebago County created one of the first diversion programs in the state and continues to pursue innovative ways to reduce crime and lower recidivism. However, this comes at an increased cost and with a significant time commitment from the District Attorney’s office in addition to their existing responsibilities. I have highlighted this need for years and am happy that Governor Evers’ Department of Administration and the State Prosecutors office agreed to address the need in Winnebago County. This will improve their ability to operate efficiently and carry out justice. This historic investment by Governor Evers will enable Winnebago County to receive two new assistant district attorney positions which will help enhance treatment and diversion options, address backlogs, and improve victim services.”

Last Updated on Friday, 20 September 2019 10:31
Gov. Evers Announces More Than 60 New Assistant Attorney Positions throughout State PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Tuesday, 17 September 2019 16:17

justice-statueThree additional positions included for Brown County based upon workload analysis.

Support Natural Flood Prevention Demonstration Project PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters Press   
Tuesday, 17 September 2019 08:24

flood-wi-fieldMADISON, WI - Wisconsin Conservation Voters urges you to support AB 266, which is before the Assembly Committee on Rural Development on Thursday.

As climate change continues to increase extreme weather events, Wisconsin communities need more tools, including wetlands, to help reduce flood risks and damages. AB 266 will fund the creation of flooding demonstration projects in Ashland County to help governments understand how restoring and protecting natural areas can help reduce flooding.

Prospects for Trump gun deal grow dimmer PDF Print E-mail
Written by The Hill Press   
Tuesday, 17 September 2019 08:16

guns-candlelightWASHINGTON, D.C. - Prospects for a bipartisan deal on gun control legislation have dimmed significantly as President Trump and Democratic leaders appear to be far apart on the key issue of expanding background checks.

Republicans expect Trump to put forward a proposal addressing gun violence later this week, but Democrats predict it is likely to fall far short of what is needed and that they may not vote for it.

Democrats are pressing Trump to agree to a gun control bill already approved by the House, but the president has yet to even signal support for a scaled-down background check bill sponsored by Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.).

Read the full story here

Governor Creates Task Force on Retirement Security PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Tuesday, 17 September 2019 07:43

elderly-crowdGroup will try to make sure state is helping Wisconsinites get ahead in saving for their futures.

Supreme Court comes to Trump's aid on immigration PDF Print E-mail
Written by The Hill Press   
Saturday, 14 September 2019 15:10

immigration-children-borderWASHINGTON, D.C. - The Supreme Court has repeatedly come to President Trump’s aid over the border, bolstering his efforts to build a wall and turn aside migrants seeking asylum on the southern border.

The latest example came Wednesday night, when the court issued an unsigned order allowing the administration’s stringent new asylum policy to remain in place while battles over its legality continue.

Read the full story here

Castro goes after Biden in debate, accusing him of failing to carry on Obama's legacy PDF Print E-mail
Written by The Hill Press   
Thursday, 12 September 2019 22:23

dem-pres-debate-abcHOUSTON, TX - Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro accused former Vice President Joe Biden of "forgetting" how he described his own health care plan during Thursday's debate and of not fulfilling former President Obama's legacy.

"You just said that two minutes ago, you just said two minutes ago that they would have to buy in," Castro as the men shouted over each other about health care. "Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago?"

Read the full story here

Gov. Evers Visits Wisconsin's Sister State in Japan PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 12 September 2019 15:35

tony-eversGovernor congratulates Chiba Prefecture on Hosting 2020 Olympics, Meets with Educators and Local Leaders.

CHIBA CITY, JAPAN – Gov. Tony Evers today visited Japan’s sister state of Chiba Prefecture, where he met with Gov. Kensaku Morita and the Chiba Prefectural Board of Education and toured the original Kikkoman soy sauce facility.

Gov. Evers congratulated Gov. Morita on Chiba hosting the 2020 Olympics in Chiba next July. “We share the honor you feel in achieving this global recognition, and we will be watching the Olympic Games just a little more closely because they will be taking place in our sister state,” he said.

The governor and First Lady Kathy Evers also met with the Chiba Prefectural Board of Education. As a lifelong educator, Gov. Evers said he was especially interested to learn more about the Wisconsin-Chiba Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) Program, which recruits Wisconsin residents or graduates from Wisconsin universities to serve as assistant language teachers for at least one year in Chiba.

Students attending public schools in Japan begin English instruction in third grade and continue studying it through junior and senior high school. Japan has hired thousands of native English speakers from the U.S., the UK, England, Australia and other countries to serve as assistant language teachers. Local officials told the governor they are looking for ways to improve these efforts.

Chiba educators indicated that as in Wisconsin, they are facing the challenge of preparing their students for a global economy and increasing diversity in their own country. Although Japan has traditionally been relatively homogeneous culturally and linguistically, local school officials said the number of students whose primary language is not Japanese is growing—a change that is prompting the schools to find new ways to meet the students’ needs and to keep their parents informed.

Gov. Evers highlighted the Wisconsin Language Roadmap Initiative, which aims to ensure students at all levels become proficient in at least one language other than English.

“Wisconsin’s next generation must be able to engage across linguistic, cultural and national boundaries in order to meet the demands of the global economy,” he said.

Gov. Evers also met with members of the Chiba-Wisconsin Association, which helps to maintain the sister city relationship in Japan. The two states will celebrate their 30th anniversary with events in Wisconsin, which also hosted the 20th and 25th anniversary celebrations.

The governor ended the day with a visit to the Kikkoman Corp. headquarters in Noda, where he toured the company’s original soy sauce brewery.

Kikkoman was the first Japanese firm to establish a manufacturing operation in Wisconsin when it opened its soy sauce brewery in Walworth. The Wisconsin facility, which employs more than 200, is now responsible for about half of the company’s global production of soy sauce. The company also operates Kikkoman R&D Laboratory Inc., which is located in the University Research Park in Madison.

“In 1973, Kikkoman decided to build its first overseas plant in Walworth, Wisconsin. Little did anyone know at the time that in doing so, Kikkoman was transforming the palate of American tastes. Today, having soy sauce with a meal is as common as ketchup, and Japanese food is as familiar to us as hamburgers and hot dogs,” Gov. Evers said.

Kikkoman Chairman Yuzaburo Mogi said the company chose Wisconsin almost 50 years ago “because of the people. They share many values of the people of Japan. Also, Wisconsin was an ideal location because of its clean water and clean air and its central location to our North American markets. The support and help we received from then Gov. Lucey and the Wisconsin Department of Commerce were additional factors in our decision.”

The governor is leading a 28-member delegation that includes 13 business leaders from nine Wisconsin companies. The trade mission concludes on Sept. 14.

House votes to block drilling in Arctic refuge PDF Print E-mail
Written by The Hill Press   
Thursday, 12 September 2019 12:18

arctic-tundraWASHINGTON, D.C. - The House on Thursday passed legislation that would block drilling along the shoreline of Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

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