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Voting Rights Groups Sue Over Absentee Ballot Signature Mandate During COVID-19 Pandemic PDF Print E-mail
Written by League of Women Voters Wisconsin   
Friday, 27 March 2020 16:29

voterWitness signature requirement called undue burden on eligible voters who live alone or without an adult U.S. citizen in the household from casting a vote.

Evers Launches Wisconsin's COVID-19 PPE Program PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 27 March 2020 08:44

covid-19-hospital-icuGovernor hopes to gather personal protective equipment like gowns, gloves and masks to support our healthcare workers and first responders.

Rep. Bowen Tests Positive for COVID-19 PDF Print E-mail
Written by BOWEN PRESS   
Tuesday, 24 March 2020 14:09

covid-19-busUrges Constituents to Take Precautions, Stay at Home to Minimize Spread.

Wisconsin Safer at Home Order Issued PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Tuesday, 24 March 2020 13:23

family-worried-billsGovernor Evers says we need to start taking this seriously to give our doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers time to prepare for the wave that will soon be upon us.

AG Kaul, Wisconsinites, Call on Trump to Defend Health Care Access PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Monday, 23 March 2020 14:34

affordable-care-actOn 10th anniversary of ACA, Wisconsin AG Josh Kaul and Wisconsinites who rely on the it highlight critical protections provided by the law and call on Trump administration to safeguard health care access.

MADISON, WI - Today, on the 10th anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act, Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul held a press call highlighting the achievements made under the ACA and critical protections provided under the law that keep our communities healthy and safe. Attorney General Kaul was joined by Dr. John Harrington, as well as Sarah Conklin, who has pre-existing conditions and relies on the ACA to get the care she needs.

Currently, more than 2.4 million Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions are protected under the law, and in 2019 over 200,000 Wisconsinites selected a marketplace plan during the open enrollment period. Trump has continuously pledged to preserve protections for people with pre-existing conditions and lower healthcare costs, but his continued attacks on the law are doing just the opposite.

You can listen to the full audio of the press call here or see what AG Kaul and other said, in part, below:

josh-kaulWisconsin AG Josh Kaul: "Today we recognize the 10th anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act. This is legislation that transformed the state of Wisconsin and the country, protecting millions of people across the country with pre-existing conditions from being denied access to coverage.... Making sure that Americans have security with respect to their health care is always important, and it is especially important at this critical time....This is a time when Americans need greater security from our federal government. Americans have been asked to take extraordinary steps to help us fight the spread of the coronavirus. We need our federal government to take extraordinary steps as well. One way that it can support the American people as we fight this virus is by standing up for health security and dropping its attacks on the Affordable Care Act."

Dr. Timothy Harrington: “Since 2014, The Affordable Care Act has improved the care of patients with chronic diseases in Wisconsin by preventing insurance companies from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions, continuing young adults on their parents’ insurance, and funding insurance for more of those who couldn’t get insurance before...Since 2016, Donald Trump and the Republicans in Congress have tried repeatedly to repeal the ACA in Congress and the Courts without offering any alternatives...The Coronavirus Pandemic is rapidly exposing the failures of Republicans’ health care policies and preparedness. Wisconsin’s citizens have a clear choice in the 2020 elections between electing Democrats in Washington and Wisconsin who will support access to health care for all, or condemning us to failed Republican approaches that would worsen our care and make it more costly.”

Sarah Conklin: “In the last 26 years I have given birth, had 16 surgeries, been diagnosed with relapsing/remitting Multiple Sclerosis and am a breast cancer survivor. All of this has meant countless health care procedures and prescription drugs I needed to recover and survive...While I still pay a substantial amount out of pocket, it would be impossible to pay without the protections I have for my pre-existing conditions...Many Wisconsinites gave Trump a chance in 2016 because he promised that he’d protect pre-existing conditions and lower health care and prescription drug costs. He has broken these promises over and over and over again. After failing to repeal the ACA in 2017, he has done everything in his power to undermine the law, and now has his Department of Justice challenging the law in the Supreme Court. My well being, the well being of my friends and neighbors, are all under threat because of President Trump...We can’t survive another four years of him in the oval office.”

Governor Suspends Utility Rules to Pave Way for Additional Consumer Protections PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Monday, 23 March 2020 10:08

high-voltage-lines-farmsEvers wants to make sure folks don’t have to choose between keeping their utilities on and paying for other essentials.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 March 2020 10:24
New Order Gives Schools Flexibility During Crisis PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Monday, 23 March 2020 09:50

school-closedGovernor reassures students and parents by suspending administrative rules relating to hours of instruction, student teacher assessments during COVID-19 public health emergency.

COVID-19 resources for Wisconsinites PDF Print E-mail
Written by Sarah Godlewski, State Treasurer   
Monday, 23 March 2020 09:07

coronavirus-hand-sanState Treasurer offers helpful information in dealing with the crisis.

MADISON - I know we are facing trying times. COVID-19 is impacting not only the health of our loved ones but people’s livelihood. Yet despite it all, the people of Wisconsin continue to amaze me with their acts of kindness and generosity to those around them.

We are grateful to the health care professionals, the public safety officers, the day care providers and everyone else who are making sacrifices to help others. I know that together, we can make it through this.

sarah-godlewskiI’ve heard from a number of small business leaders from across the state who have shared their personal stories of having to shut down or lay off workers. I’m working with key government partners to provide support for our state businesses and have shared a few of those resources available below.

Beyond businesses, I also want to share some community resources for those in need.

I understand these resources will not help everyone, but they are an important start. I will continue to work to provide additional resources and information for workers and businesses who are navigating this time of uncertainty.

Food Security

  • Stores across the state are starting Senior Shopping Hours, so that those most at risk can shop safely.
  • Hunger Task Force is offering Stock Boxes, featuring cereal, milk, canned veggies and fruits, pasta or rice, protein, fruit juice, canned meats and 2 pounds of cheese, to low income Wisconsinites. If you want to help, donate here.

Resources for Small Businesses

  • Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation is creating solutions for businesses. WEDC is working to provide $5 million in grants for small businesses of fewer than twenty people. Learn more about it here.
  • The Small Business Administration has approved Governor Evers’ request for loans for small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Apply here.

Mental Health

  • If you are struggling with mental health, support is available. Call the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746

Childcare and Resources for Students

  • The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families has information for child care, including requests for assistance.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • No matter where you live in Wisconsin, there are opportunities for people looking to help out. Check out Volunteer Wisconsin for ways to support your community.

I was living near the Pentagon on 9/11. I remember in those hours and days after, that I didn’t know how we would possibly recover as a nation. But then I saw neighbors and friends giving blood, volunteering and helping each other get by, one day at a time.

This pandemic is unlike any crisis we have ever faced as a nation, but I know that, if we follow the safety precautions and continue to work together, we will be successful.


Last Updated on Saturday, 28 March 2020 10:13
Wisconsin Should Use BadgerCare to Fight COVID-19 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin Press   
Saturday, 21 March 2020 14:59

covid-19-india-testFederal Emergency Declaration opens new avenues to guarantee everyone is tested and treated without cost sharing, fully covering all uninsured Wisconsinites say Healthcare advocates.

Boys & Girls Clubs Open COVID-19 Relief Fund PDF Print E-mail
Written by Boys & Girls Clubs, Andrew Gussert   
Saturday, 21 March 2020 10:46

boys_girls_clubs_gbFocus Shifts to Distributing Food, Providing Child Care for Health Care Professionals

MADISON, WI - Wisconsin Boys & Girls Clubs are starting a statewide COVID-19 Relief Fund today at to purchase food, acquire supplies, pay staff, and address needs directly related to the coronavirus pandemic. Clubs serve 144,800 youth across 154 sites in 58 Wisconsin cities, more than any organization outside of our public school system. They also serve two million meals and snacks to youth every year at no cost. In some locations, this may now come to an end.

"Safety is the number one priority for clubs across Wisconsin, and local sites are handling this pandemic differently," said Karen DeSanto, State Alliance President. "Some are remaining open, some are scaling down, and many are now providing virtual programming online. Unfortunately, some sites are facing the hard decision to shut down."

In some areas including Appleton, Oshkosh and Berlin, local clubs are stepping up to provide additional child care for medical staff and first responders.  In other clubs, from Milwaukee to Baraboo to Door County, staff are distributing food to families outside of normal membership.  Clubs are not required to shut down during the pandemic because they serve vital needs, but many are now facing unprecedented financial hardship.

"Our clubs are dependent upon private contributions," said Andy Gussert, State Alliance Director. "We've had to cancel a half a dozen fundraising events across the state this month, and will postpone more in April. This leaves a financial gap of over a million dollars across our clubs."

Wisconsin clubs serves more youth per person than any other state in the country. Seven out of every ten kids are from a racial or ethnic minority, two of every five are from a single parent household, and two of every three are on reduced school lunch programs. "These are the kids who most need our help most during the pandemic," said Gussert.

Contributions will be shared directly with local sites across the state, dollar for dollar, with no overhead charges taken out. Donations can be made at and are administered by the Boys & Girls Clubs of Dane County.

#  #  #

The mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs is to ensure all young people, especially those who need us most, can reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Every dollar invested in Boys & Girls Clubs returns $12.40 in earnings and cost-savings to their communities.

Green Bay Metro Provides Limited Bus Service at No Charge to Riders PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Bay Mayor's Office Press   
Saturday, 21 March 2020 10:07

mc_busGreen Bay, WI - Green Bay Metro staff spent this week implementing protective practices which would minimize risk of exposure to COVID-19 for riders and employees. Effective Monday, March 23, 2020, Green Bay Metro will provide limited transit services.  Because these services are limited, the Green Bay Transit Commission has approved free fares until further notice.

Green Bay Metro expects riders to:

--Take only essential trips; those that are absolutely necessary

--Stay home if you are sick

--Use the rear door only (unless using a mobility device)

--Stay behind the tape, and do not approach the operator (bus driver)

--Stay six feet away from other people, whether showing symptoms or not (social distancing)

Bus information for riders:

--There will be a limit of six passengers per bus (seats have been blocked off to limit passengers)

--The buses will operate Monday through Friday, 6:45 am to 6:45 pm

--On Saturday, the buses will operate from 7:45 am to 3:45 pm

--There will be one ADA (Americans with Disability Act) or disabled passenger per bus using the Quantum device

Green Bay Metro’s “Demand Service” will be in effect.  Riders must call 920-448-3450 (press option 1, option 1 again) two hours in advance to request a ride.  Be prepared to inform Green Bay Metro of the pick-up bus stop, and the pick-up time.

Demand Service only routes are 5, 10, 15, 16, 17 and 18.

See the schedule below for other routes, and please note the service times (Route 11 will now be at :45 after)

Monday through Friday:
2-Orange 6:45am – 6:15pm Hourly
4-Blue 6:45am – 6:45pm Hourly
6-Red 6:45am – 6:45pm Hourly
7-Lime 6:45am – 6:45pm Hourly
8-Green 6:45am – 6:45pm Hourly
11-Sky 6:45am – 6:45pm Hourly
12-Coal 6:45am – 6:15pm Hourly
13-River 7:15am – 6:45pm Hourly*
14-Brown 7:15am – 6:45pm Hourly*

Demand Service Routes (5, 10, 15, 16, 17 and 18): 6:45am – 6:45pm Hourly

Last bus departs Metro at 5:45pm.
*Last bus departs Metro at 6:15pm.

Saturday Schedule:
2-Orange 7:45am – 3:15pm Hourly
4-Blue 7:45am – 3:45pm Hourly
6-Red 7:45am – 3:45pm Hourly
7-Lime 7:45am – 3:45pm Hourly
8-Green 7:45am – 3:45pm Hourly
11-Sky 7:45am – 3:45pm Hourly
12-Coal 7:45am – 3:15pm Hourly
13-River 8:15am – 3:45pm Hourly*
14-Brown 8:15am – 3:45pm Hourly*

Demand Service Routes (5, 10, 15, 16, 17 and 18): 7:45am – 3:45pm Hourly

Last bus departs Metro at 2:45pm.
*Last bus departs Metro at 3:15pm.

Last Updated on Saturday, 21 March 2020 11:04
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