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Trump’s Health Care Repeal Case Moves Forward PDF Print E-mail
Written by Khary Penebaker, DNC Member WI   
Wednesday, 06 May 2020 16:47

healthcare-family-drDecision could take Health Care from millions during a Pandemic.

Gruszynski Urges JFC to Approve DPI Funding Plan PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Ryan Neigbauer   
Wednesday, 06 May 2020 10:42

schoolyard-greenfieldGreen Bay area legislator wants Wisconsin schools and libraries to receive $174.7 million that will be distributed by the Department of Public Instruction.

New discoveries shift coronavirus timeline by months PDF Print E-mail
Written by The Hill Press   
Wednesday, 06 May 2020 10:16

coronavirus-outbreak-asiaFirst known case traced to mid-November in China's Hubei province. Virus may have made it here to US by December.

Connecting During Crisis PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Wednesday, 06 May 2020 09:05

broadband-map-northwoodsKeeping connected during this public health crisis has again highlighted the lack of reliable internet in rural Wisconsin and the urgent need to expand broadband and better connect our communities.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 May 2020 09:29
Governor Announces Plan to Make Wisconsin One of the Top States in Testing Per Capita PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Tuesday, 05 May 2020 09:56

covid-19-testEveryone in the state that needs a test should be tested, and through the Badger Bounce Back Plan, Wisconsin has a comprehensive approach to make sure that’s the case.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 May 2020 10:15
Wisconsin Welcomes Donation of PPE from China PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Monday, 04 May 2020 08:42

coronavirus-ppe-prepShipment from sister state of Heilongjiang is the latest in a series of PPE donations Wisconsin has received to support its COVID-19 response.

New UV Decontamination Site to Open in Sawyer County PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Saturday, 02 May 2020 16:54

uv-decontamination-systemSite is a Product of an Impressive Collaborative Effort Between a Local Host and State Support

MADISON - Gov. Tony Evers announced Saturday that Sawyer County will soon become the latest location in Wisconsin to successfully implement a UV Decontamination System.

tony-evers-talks“It's no secret that the COVID-19 public health emergency has strained supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) across our state and country, leading to shortages of critical supplies including N95 respirator masks,” said Gov. Evers. “Once this system is up and running, it will allow one of the more remote areas of the Badger State to decontaminate at least 45,000 N95 respirators per month, ensuring that our frontline healthcare workers and first responders using PPE in Northwest Wisconsin can continue to do so safely.”

Healthcare workers and first responders using PPE in Northwest Wisconsin, as well as the rest of the state, are being asked to save their used N95 masks for decontamination.

“Having a local decontamination site will provide a great benefit to our Northern rural region residents of Northwest Wisconsin,” Sawyer County Emergency Manager Patricia Sanchez said. “We are sure to see a surge in the need for N95 masks in the next few weeks, therefore it will be extremely important to be able to reuse as much as we can.”

The new Sawyer County site, which will support a large swath of Northwest Wisconsin, is thanks to an impressive combination of local host willing to take the necessary steps to house this unit, local volunteers, and state support as far as training and resources in order to bring it online.

“The Sawyer County decontamination site is a product of people in this region being used to working together under difficult circumstances, as there are already many good partnerships and relationships here along with people who are willing to volunteer,” Wisconsin Emergency Management Northwest Region Director Randy Books said. “From the state level, they found out about the pressing need that we had here and quickly reached out. Now we are working hand-in-hand with the state to conserve and safely reuse the limited PPE supplies that are in this area.”

The Northwest region of Wisconsin was an area targeted by the Wisconsin State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) as a location with a pressing need for this service. Currently, the region has only a limited supply of PPE.

People in at least 11 counties, Sawyer, Bayfield, Ashland, Iron, Price, Rusk, Barron, Polk, Burnett, Washburn, and Douglas, will be able to utilize the site. At least five area tribes, including the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, and the St. Croix Band of Chippewa Indians, will also be able to utilize the site.

On Monday and Tuesday of this week, industrial hygienists from the Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene (WSLH) spent time in Sawyer County building the unit and training local staff to be able to run and utilize it. At this point at least 15 volunteers have been trained and will be able to run it, using the WSLH’s best practices.

The device, which is housed in Sawyer County, utilizes the principles of mask decontamination set in place by Nebraska Medicine and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. To decontaminate an item, it is hung on a line and exposed to UV light. Too much light and the mask could be destroyed, while too little and it would not be decontaminated.

“We are pretty excited about the possibilities of implementing the methods pioneered by Nebraska Medicine, locally in our state,” said George Gruetzmacher, who serves an Industrial Hygiene Consultant-Engineer for WSLH. “For places like Sawyer County, we are able to provide the equipment and training to a local site, but the sites themselves need to put together the infrastructure in a comfortable and convenient way. Sawyer County has done an excellent job with doing everything needed to get a decontamination site up and running.”

sawyer-county-wiSawyer County will be conducting final tests of the unit next week, and plan to start using it soon after.

Sawyer County’s UV decontamination site is just one of many already in place in much of Wisconsin, and with capacity to service N95 masks and other PPE. These efforts are highlighted by facilities already operational in Brown, Dane, and Kenosha counties.

In addition, the UV decontamination sites, this week Wisconsin received a delivery of 230,000 N95 respirator masks from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), providing a needed boost to efforts to obtain PPE for distribution in the state. FEMA has also informed the state that it will be receiving technology in the form of a Battelle CCDS Critical Care Decontamination System™ to help decontaminate N95 masks, which will help extend the life of these important supplies.

FEMA expects the Battelle Corporation to ship its system to Wisconsin in the early part of May, with the system likely to be ready for use later in the month. Once ready to go, the system will be able to decontaminate tens of thousands of N95 masks daily.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 May 2020 09:48
DOJ To Release More than 10,000 Records to Republican Lawmaker PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Saturday, 02 May 2020 16:13

public-records-requestMarinette lawmaker who initiated costly legal battle with the governor’s office rather than work collaboratively will get record dump and $40,000 in taxpayer's money to pay his private attorney fees.

MADISON —​ The Wisconsin Department of Justice has reached a settlement on behalf of Gov. Tony Evers in a lawsuit filed by Republican state Rep. John Nygren, who initiated a costly legal battle with the governor’s office rather than work collaboratively to resolve an overly broad request for public records.

The legislature has exempted itself from the open records laws that apply to the governor and hundreds of other government entities and officials around the state.

john-nygrenRep. Nygren asked for every document that contained one or more common terms, such as “mental health” or the names of several lawmakers.

In an effort to spare the state more time and money being put into politicians suing one another, the Governor’s Office has agreed to settle Rep. Nygren’s lawsuit. The Governor’s Office, with the help of DOJ staff, has been working to review and provide thousands upon thousands of pages of records. Those will continue to be provided as they are reviewed.

Under the terms of the settlement, the State of Wisconsin will pay Rep. Nygren’s private attorneys $40,000 in attorney fees, for what amounted to approximately three substantive court filings and a single telephone conference. By settling this lawsuit, the Evers Administration can focus on fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic challenges facing Wisconsinites.

Simply put, while Rep. Nygren may have the time during this pandemic to let a lawsuit unnecessarily drag out in court, the Governor’s office does not.

Wisconsin National Guard Conducting Mobile Testing at Sites Around the State PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Saturday, 02 May 2020 15:27

covid-19-testing-troop300 National Guard troops establish mobile COVID-19 testing sites at locations ranging from correctional facilities and health clinics, to private businesses, and local communities.

Trump Lets Down Small Businesses With Botched Rollout PDF Print E-mail
Written by Khary Penebaker, DNC Member WI   
Saturday, 02 May 2020 14:05

coronavirus-small-businessSmall businesses struggle with the process to get loans or weren’t able to get any loans at all.

Wisconsin Community Testing Events Launched PDF Print E-mail
Written by GBP Staff   
Friday, 01 May 2020 13:43

covid-19-testNational Guard will be working to assist with COVID-19 testing at Alma site Friday, other community testing sites will be announced in the coming days.

MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today announced that the State Emergency Operations Center, Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), Wisconsin Emergency Management, and Wisconsin National Guard are working with local health departments to create community testing events in places with a known lack of access to testing or additional testing is needed because of high rates of COVID-19.

tony-evers“Taking our lab capacity from the ability to perform zero COVID-19 tests in early March to more than 11,000 tests per day now is one of our success stories here in Wisconsin,” said Gov. Evers. “But capacity is not the same as utilization, so we have some work to do to ensure everyone who needs a test is getting one and to understand the full scope of this disease around Wisconsin. The state has been working hard to support local health departments throughout this crisis and we’re pleased to announce that, starting today, our partnership will expand with the creation of community testing events throughout the state.”

Today, Friday, May 1, 2020, the Wisconsin National Guard will be working to assist with testing in the following community:

Buffalo and Pepin County: Drive-thru testing

Buffalo County Highway Shop
S1672 WI-37
Alma, WI 54610
11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Any Wisconsin resident experiencing COVID-19 symptoms is welcome at this site

Get additional information

Wisconsin is increasing access to testing, and anyone with symptoms should contact their health care provider and ask to be tested. If you live in or around Buffalo or Pepin County and are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, we urge you to go get tested today at the community testing event in Alma.

Additional community testing sites will be announced in the coming days.

Symptoms of COVD-19 include:

  • Fever, defined as a measured temperature greater than 100.4°F
  • Subjective fever, for example if a person feels unusually warm to the touch, or reports sensations similar to previous experiences of fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Chills or rigors (repetitive shaking chills)
  • Muscle aches (myalgia)
  • New loss of taste or smell

Wisconsin’s goal, and the key to turning the dial through the Badger Bounce Back Plan, is being able to test everyone who has symptoms of COVID-19, conduct contact tracing, and get those who have been exposed to the virus in quarantine to thwart the spread.

For up-to-date information about Wisconsin’s COVID-19 response, visit the DHS COVID-19 webpage. We encourage you to follow @DHSWI on Facebook, Twitter, or dhs.wi on Instagram for more information on  COVID-19.

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