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State Building Commission Rejects Capital Budget PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 18 March 2021 12:25

road-construction-workerDays after Gov. Evers urged bipartisan support, Republicans obstruct state infrastructure investments.

Lt. Gov. Barnes Condemns Anti-Asian Violence in Georgia PDF Print E-mail
Written by Lt Gov Office Press   
Thursday, 18 March 2021 10:35

Asian American and Pacific IslanderWe have to stand up to anti-Asian racism, violence, and discrimination in our communities, says Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes.

Last Updated on Thursday, 18 March 2021 14:22
Stubbs Applauds Passage of Natural Hair Braiding Deregulation Bill PDF Print E-mail
Written by Shelia Stubbs Press   
Thursday, 18 March 2021 10:06

afro-braidingAssembly passes Bill to allow more individuals, especially female entrepreneurs, to practice the art of natural hair braiding without unnecessary training. Now on to the Senate.

Madison, WI – Wednesday, Assembly Bill 121, relating to the deregulation of natural hair braiding, passed through the Wisconsin State Assembly, and now heads to the Wisconsin State Senate. This bill specifies that a person does not need to obtain a barbering or cosmetology license in order to perform natural hair braiding. On AB 121’s passage, Representative Stubbs (D-77) issued the following statement:

shelia-stubbs“Equity is about opening opportunities, and removing barriers. This legislation will allow for more individuals, especially female entrepreneurs, to practice the art of natural hair braiding without unnecessary training. AB 121 removes restrictions and opens opportunities for hair braiders in our state, many of whom are Black women. This will not only improve their economic lives, but also stimulate our state’s economy as a whole.”

“Across Wisconsin, many Black Women practice the time honored tradition of natural hair braiding. So many mothers, daughters, aunts and grandmothers were raised with the knowledge of how to braid hair, and how hair braiding is connected to their family and their culture. No license should stand in the way of practicing time honored traditions”

“Under this legislation, Wisconsinites will no longer be burdened by these licensing requirements. Instead natural hair braiders can spend more time honing their craft instead of spending time and money on programs that have little to do with braiding. Thirty other states have analyzed natural hair braiding and came to the proper conclusion that cosmetology and barbering licenses are unnecessary. Wisconsin should follow suit, and AB 121 will allow our great state to get on the right track.

“Here in Wisconsin, we move forward. It does not matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican, or if you are Black or white, we all agree that our state should foster success wherever possible. I want to thank all of my colleagues that stood with me on this bipartisan bill, and I look forward to seeing it pass through the Senate, and be signed into law”

Last Updated on Thursday, 18 March 2021 14:23
Climate Change Solutions PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Wednesday, 17 March 2021 10:23

frac-sand-spill-apSen. Smith writes about the policies developed by the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change included in the budget, such as innovative flood mitigation strategies and proposals to help our farmers.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 March 2021 10:46
Sexual Assault Kit Bills will help create a Safer, More Compassionate Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Wednesday, 17 March 2021 10:12

sexual-assault2 bills passed Tuesday will ensure a procedure is in place that upholds survivors’ dignity, choice, and the right to a fair and just process.

MADISON - Tuesday, Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) voted in favor of SB 71 and SB 94 which both address the sexual assault kit backlog in Wisconsin. Senator Agard released the following statement:

melissa-agard-sargent“While no piece of legislation can ever erase the trauma of sexual violence, failures to effectively and efficiently collect, submit, and store kits should never be a barrier to justice,” Senator Agard stated. “It is vitally important for people to trust their government when they are the victim of a horrible crime. What we are doing today is creating a system so people can trust their government and the handling of these cases. ”

“Ultimately, the most fundamental role of government is to protect its citizens When someone in our community is the victim of a sexual assault - the system has failed. It is the role of government to step up and provide for a safer, more compassionate path so that people can heal. So that victims become survivors.

“I have championed legislation about sexual assault kits and our state’s backlog for three sessions. I have heard from victims and survivors of sexual assault. I carry their stories with me, and have promised them I will work tirelessly on their behalf to create a better system.

“The bills passed today will ensure a procedure is in place that upholds survivors’ dignity, choice, and the right to a fair and just process, protecting those who choose not to report at the time of an assault, or who change their minds.

SB 71 is aimed at 2 common sense things: First, ensuring that justice is not delayed for survivors of sexual assault. And second, making sure that we do not have a backlog of untested sexual assault kits in Wisconsin ever again.

SB 94 establishes a Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System to provide victims of sexual assault access to information about the status of any sexual assault kit they have provided.

“I am proud of the bipartisan group of legislators that worked on these bills, and extend my thanks to Attorney General Josh Kaul, who has championed this legislation. I am hopeful that the Assembly will take up these bills quickly and send them to Governor Evers’ desk,” Senator Agard concluded.

Last Updated on Thursday, 18 March 2021 10:30
State Moves Up People with Medical Conditions for COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Wednesday, 17 March 2021 09:39

covid-19-vaccine-drivethru-latimesDate moved up to March 22 due to availability of appointments and increased vaccine supply.

Last Updated on Thursday, 18 March 2021 09:51
Spring Election Voter Guide Now Available PDF Print E-mail
Written by League of Women Voters Wisconsin   
Wednesday, 17 March 2021 09:24

voter-us-electionsVoters are able to easily navigate a comprehensive guide containing unbiased candidate information at VOTE411.

Conservation voters applaud confirmation of U.S. Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Tuesday, 16 March 2021 09:16

clean-airAn Indigenous woman leading the critical work of managing our shared public lands is long overdue, say environmentalists.

MADISON – Wisconsin Conservation Voters and its 40,000-plus members and supporters are celebrating today’s U.S. Senate vote finalizing the historic confirmation of Congresswoman Deb Haaland for Secretary of the Interior – making her the first Indigenous person to serve as a Cabinet Secretary.

“We congratulate Secretary Deb Haaland on her well-earned, historic nomination,” said Executive Director Kerry Schumann. “The significance of this confirmation – an Indigenous woman leading the critical work of managing our shared public lands – is long overdue, but its importance cannot be overstated. Secretary Haaland will implement a bold agenda based on science, equity, and environmental justice. She will prioritize access to nature, tribal consultation, and responsible management of our public lands and resources for all people in this country. In Wisconsin, Secretary Haaland’s nomination serves as a national example of leadership for Indigenous communities and people and puts an ally in the Cabinet with values that reflect those of Wisconsin Conservation Voters. We’re excited to work with Secretary Haaland and the Department of the Interior to protect our lands and make their stewardship more equitable and inclusive.”

Democratic Senator Tammy Baldwin voted to confirm Secretary Haaland while Republican Sen. Ron Johnson rejected it.

“Our members across Wisconsin sent nearly 1,000 messages of support to both Senators, while thousands more from across the country did the same,” said Government Affairs Director Jennifer Giegerich. “Sen. Baldwin has consistently stood up for our conservation values, including open and accessible public lands, and we thank her for voting to confirm Deb Haaland as Interior Secretary. Meanwhile, Sen. Johnson, rather than voting to confirm a well-qualified, historic nominee in Deb Haaland, has been spending his time spreading debunked, racist conspiracy theories. Wisconsin deserves better.”


Engaging voters to protect Wisconsin’s environment.

Gov. Evers Urges Bipartisan Support for $2.38 Billion 2021-23 Capital Budget PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Tuesday, 16 March 2021 08:14

uwgb-studentsWould provide an estimated 29,000 family supporting jobs, $4.3 billion in economic impact for state. Building Commission to consider this week.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 March 2021 16:32
Agard Introduces “People’s Voice Act” Legislation PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Monday, 15 March 2021 16:02

lines-farmsLegislation would allow the public to petition for public hearings on legislation.

MADISON - Today, Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) introduced the “People’s Voice Act.” LRB-2481/1 would allow for the public to petition for a bill to receive a public hearing. If the petition receives signatures by qualified equaling at least 3 percent of the vote cast for the office of governor in the most recent gubernatorial election, the Elections Commission must certify the bill for a public hearing and file the certification with the legislature. The petition can be signed through a paper form or electronically. If enough signatures are received, the legislature must hold a public hearing on the bill within 30 days of the petition being certified.

Senator Agard released this statement regarding the legislation:

melissa-agard-sargent“Our first job as legislators is to listen to those we serve - they are our bosses. The policies we introduce should reflect the people’s will, but currently, there are too many Wisconsinites who feel left out of the governing process. Their viewpoint is being ignored. This bill allows for the public to have a louder voice in their state government.

“Wisconsin has a history of citizen engagement and clean government. But in recent years, we have seen bills that are overwhelmingly supported by Wisconsin voters die in committee without a public hearing. When a majority of Wisconsinites support expanding Medicaid, legalizing cannabis, fair maps, closing the ‘Dark Store Loophole’, and gun safety measures, those bills should be prioritized. It is appalling that legislation aimed at addressing the issues that matter most to the ordinary people of Wisconsin never receive a public hearing in the legislature. It is past time that the people of Wisconsin see meaningful action from their government on these bills and more. LRB-2147 gives them an opportunity to create and see that action.

“Our legislative process should be fair, and should recognize our fundamental rights - but it is currently a mess. Let’s stop playing politics and create a system that prioritizes the will of the people. What we continue to see in the Capitol is a system tilted in favor of the wealthy or well-connected. It is time to bring the process straight to the people. LRB-2481/1 provides the public a pathway to ensure that their voice and their values are heard. This is a  bold and necessary step toward better governance for the people of Wisconsin.”

According to the non-partisan Legislative Reference Bureau, less than half of the bills introduced in the last legislative session received a public hearing.

Gov. Evers Kicks Off Series of Badger Bounceback Live Sessions PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Monday, 15 March 2021 15:50

coronavirus-small-businessVirtual listening session will cover topics including supporting small businesses and farmers, kickstarting innovation, and helping working families.

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