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“Duffman says No” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 17 February 2017 11:06

duffman_says_noDiscussion of Sean Duffy dropping out of Senate Race, strange happenings in the State Superintendent race, GOP efforts to pay lawyers $175,000 more for redistricting lawsuit, and more...

STATEWIDE - The presumed GOP front runner for U.S. Senate, reality TV star turned Congressman Sean Duff, says no to challenging Tammy Baldwin in 2018.

We discuss the wild State Superintendent race where progressive incumbent Tony Evers is being challenged by two conservatives in Tuesday's primary. This week the story broke that the conservative opponents tried to negotiate a deal that would guarantee one of them a three year $150,000/year job, a driver, and sweeping control of over several urban school districts in return for dropped out of the race.

We review state GOP efforts to pay lawyers $175,000 more for redistricting lawsuit, a new bill to greatly restrict who can request an election recount, and Gov. Walker backtracks on a nearly $10 million loophole in the Manufacturing and Agricultural Tax Credit. Robert gives us an update on the latest GOP House plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act while Sen. Ron Johnson ducks public town halls during the upcoming congressional recess.

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GOP Rep. Sean Duffy will not challenge Democrat Tammy Baldwin for U.S. Senate. 
Citizen Action Endorses the Re-election of Tony Evers for Superintendent of Public Instruction. 
State superintendent candidate: Challenger offered 6-figure job to drop out of race.
Scott Walker signals support for recount changes.
Lawmakers Look To Change Wisconsin Recount Law.
Redistricting attorneys could be paid more than $175,000. 
Scott Walker's budget includes small fix to manufacturing and agriculture tax credit.
Sen. Johnson won’t commit to town hall meeting during Congressional recess.
House Republicans mulling options for Obamacare replacement.
GOP House leaders to elaborate on their ObamaCare plans.

Last Updated on Friday, 17 February 2017 11:16
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