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81 Candidates in Wisconsin Take ‘Clean Energy for All’ Commitment PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Wednesday, 12 September 2018 11:42

clean-airAll promising 100% Clean Energy by 2050. Moving to clean energy will improve Wisconsin's health, create more sustainable communities.

MADISON – As part of a nationwide effort, Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters announced Wednesday that 81 candidates running across the state this November have committed to the Clean Energy for All goal to move Wisconsin to 100 percent clean energy by 2050.

tony_eversThese clean energy champions include statewide candidates Tony Evers, governor; Mandela Barnes, lieutenant governor; Sarah Godlewski, state treasurer; more than 50 state assembly candidates and more than 15 state senate candidates. Similar announcements by the League of Conservation Voters and other state affiliates within the Conservation Voter Movement are happening today for a total of 1400 candidates across the country.

solar“All across our state, people are demanding common-sense clean energy solutions in our homes, our vehicles, our businesses, and more to protect our health and create more sustainable and thriving communities,” said Executive Director Kerry Schumann. “Clean energy is a winning issue and a win for all of us, and we are proud to work with these candidates to ensure clean energy and pollution-free communities.”

“This in an unprecedented level of commitment to clean energy,” said Sara Jordan, LCV’s Clean Energy for All campaign manager. “In the absence of leadership from Washington to address climate change, state and local leaders are listening to the majority of people who want action on climate change. The candidates who are making this commitment are showing they are ready to step up,” “We’re excited that over 1400 candidates from coast-to-coast are committing to achieve clean energy for all by 2050.

The Conservation Voter Movement, made up of LCV and 30 affiliated state organizations, launched Clean Energy for All in March 2018. The network-wide effort was created to move our country closer to 100 percent clean energy and pollution free communities by 2050. In addition to the commitment, the Clean Energy for All campaign works to win ballot initiatives that promote clean energy and reduce pollution, encourages state and local lawmakers to break down the barriers to clean energy, and pushes for smart investments that reduce air pollution.

For more information on the Clean Energy for All commitment visit:

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Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to electing conservation leaders, holding decision makers accountable, and encouraging lawmakers to champion conservation policies that effectively protect Wisconsin's public health and natural resources.

Last Updated on Thursday, 13 September 2018 12:01
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