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Walker Reinsurance Program Too Little, Too Late PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, TJ Helmstetter   
Monday, 30 July 2018 11:48

scott_walkerWalker claims premiums are going down but they are rising by $1400, say Dems. People with pre-existing conditions or outside the health exchange still out of luck.

GREEN BAY, WI - Gov. Scott Walker visited Green Bay Sunday to announce the state received a federal waiver from the Trump administration for a $200 million healthcare reinsurance program. During the visit, he said the plan might lower premiums by 3.5 percent on average.

Upon hearing the news, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin issued the following statement, attributable to TJ Helmstetter, DPW spokesperson for 2018 gubernatorial election:

family-worried-bills"Scott Walker claims premiums are going down but they are rising by $1400. He's a typical politician in an election year saying up is down and down is up.

"Because of GOP sabotage of the health care law -- sabotage which Scott Walker supported -- people are paying more than they would have otherwise, period. So even if increases are mitigated with Walker's reinsurance program, people are still paying more.

"If Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress had not messed with the law, rates would be going down.

"This reinsurance program also does nothing to help everyone else who does not participate in the health exchange, who will likely see double digit premium increases due to Republican sabotage and instability in the market.

"In the mean time, Walker refused to expand BadgerCare, and he continues to support a lawsuit that would end protections for people with pre-existing conditions and cause millions of people to lose their healthcare altogether.

"If Scott Walker had focused on the needs of Wisconsin’s families instead of his own personal political ambitions, tens of thousands more Wisconsinites would have health care and taxpayers would have an extra $1 billion."


More info on GOP sabotage and premium increases available here.

Read more facts about Walker's attacks on healthcare here.

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