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Walker Tours State to Promote Welfare Reform Bills PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   
Tuesday, 10 April 2018 10:18

grocery-store-checkoutWausau was the first stop today of Gov. Walker’s three city tour to sign nine bills into law aimed at reforming the state’s welfare system. Dems say policies will only kick struggling families while they’re down.

MADISON - Gov. Scott Walker is touring the state today promoting his anti-family welfare reform proposals that will cost the state millions and make it more difficult for low-income individuals to receive assistance.

martha-laning“When will Walker wake up and listen to Wisconsinites asking for help?” asked Martha Laning, chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. “These policies will only kick struggling families while they’re down and pit Wisconsinites against each other. Walker has made his priorities clear: he wants to please his wealthy donors and special-interest funders at any cost to Wisconsin families.”

“There are so many unaddressed issues Wisconsin faces. Wages are stagnant, our classrooms are underfunded, our roads are in desperate need of repair and poverty is at a 30-year high, yet Walker chooses to enact these nasty policies that will leave children hungry and drive more Wisconsinites into poverty.”

Legislative Republicans passed these welfare reform bills in a special legislative session that Gov. Walker called shortly after a bad Republican defeat in a special election in Senate District 10. Republicans cut 2017-18 legislative session short in March and prevented a number of important issues from being addressed. Some of those issues were:

  • BadgerCare expansion to cover more Wisconsinites

  • Child care affordability

  • Student loan debt relief

  • Long-term transportation funding solutions

  • Fair & full funding of our public schools

“Democrats have gone around the state and listened to what Wisconsinites need, and it isn’t more of Walker’s extreme, divisive policies,” said Laning. “Wisconsin families want to make sure that they have the tools and support to get ahead. They want to know that they won’t go bankrupt if they get sick. And they want to know that a good education and bright future is a possible for themselves and their children no matter their background or zip code.

“The priorities of Scott Walker and Legislative Republicans are painfully out-of-step with the real issues Wisconsinites face,” added Laning. “Democrats aren’t afraid to do the hard work to ensure that our Wisconsin values of fairness and opportunity for all are protected and enshrined in our laws and policies.”

Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 April 2018 13:28
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