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Republican Majority Plays More Games on Special Elections PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Saturday, 24 March 2018 15:56

residentsSen. Fitzgerald and Speaker Vos call for an extraordinary session to undercut court ruling upholding resident's right to representation through special elections in SD 1 and AD 42.

MADISON, WI – In late December, Gov. Walker appointed two sitting legislators to his administration and, despite his sworn duty as Governor, failed to call for special elections, leaving thousands of Wisconsin residents without representation in Senate District 1 (SD 1) and Assembly District 42 (AD 42). Recently, a circuit court judge confirmed that the Governor has to call for special elections in SD 1 and AD 42.

Following Senator Fitzgerald and Speaker Vos’s call for an extraordinary session to rig Wisconsin elections, Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) and Assembly Democratic Leader Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statements:

jennifer-shilling"Gov. Walker and legislative Republican’s sole focus is maintaining their grip on power and once again they are changing the laws to ensure their control,” said Shilling. "They want to undercut our judicial system and deny thousands of Wisconsin families their constitutional right to equal representation. The Republican efforts to prevent court ordered special elections from being held is the height of corruption and desperation. This is outrageous and the public should not accept this abuse of power."

gordon_hintz“It is clear how little respect the Majority has for the institution, the legislative process, and the people of Wisconsin,” said Hintz. “These are the games Republicans play when they are desperate and because they have failed those who elected them. Now they are rushing to change the state law so they don’t have to hold special elections after the court decision. Wisconsin deserves better. It is sad how far things have fallen in our state that behavior like this has become the norm under Wisconsin Republicans.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 24 March 2018 18:06
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