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Court Strikes Blow Against Walker And For Democracy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   
Thursday, 22 March 2018 23:54

judgementRepublicans lose battle to deny Wisconsinites representation, judge Gov. Scott Walker personally appointed says he violated his "plain and positive duty" to hold special elections in Senate District 1 and Assembly District 42.

MADISON - Today Gov. Scott Walker was rebuked by a judge he personally appointed for violating his "plain and positive duty" to hold special elections. Walker has been acting out of fear that Republicans’ unpopular agenda and record of neglecting Wisconsin as he campaigned around the country will lose the GOP two more elections.

In December 2017, two members of the legislature left to join Walker’s administration. Instead of giving the people of Senate District 1 and Assembly District 42 a say in who represents them in their state government, Walker and his lackey, Attorney General Brad Schimel, choose not to hold special elections.

scott-walkerJudge Josann Reynolds lambasted Walker and Schimel’s offices for the absurd logic in their arguments in court that clearly were designed to grab power away from the people of Wisconsin and protect their already rigged elections. She compared his alleged support for strict legal interpretation and his woefully inadequate arguments against holding these elections, saying "the two views are inconsistent, incompatible and irreconcilable."

"To state the obvious, if the plaintiffs have a right to vote for their representatives, they must have an election to do so,” mandated Judge Reynolds according to media reports of her oral ruling.

Democratic leaders have been making similar arguments that Wisconsinites deserve and are entitled to representation and that Walker has been negligent in fighting to keep more than 200,000 Wisconsinites without representation for more than a year with his refusal to hold special elections..

Statements from the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, the State Senate Democratic Committee and the Assembly Democratic Campaign Committee are below:

“The Republican agenda of denying Wisconsinites health care, gutting public schools and letting infrastructure deteriorate while manipulating tax policy to reward their wealthy donors has been extremely unpopular in Wisconsin,” noted Democratic Party Communications Director Melanie Conklin.

“Gov. Walker willfully violated his oath of office by refusing to hold elections because Wisconsin is demanding new leadership and he knows it. Democrats stand ready for elections and for creating a state government that is truly responsive to the will of the people in our state.”

“Voters in the 1st Senate District have been without a voice for too long, and we are thrilled that Gov. Walker will no longer be able to prevent their voices from being heard at the ballot box or on the floor of the state senate,” said State Senate Democratic Campaign executive director Jenni Dye.

“People want elected representatives that work for them and they are sick and tired of the dysfunctional and underhanded way Republicans have been playing rigged political games,” said Assembly Democratic Campaign Committee executive director Doug Hyant. “We are eager for the opportunity to talk about Democratic priorities and values, which are also the priorities of the people of Wisconsin.”

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