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WisDems' Chair on Foxconn Announcement PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Thursday, 27 July 2017 13:06

foxconn-wisconsinWhile we are all thrilled at the prospect of new jobs coming to the state, it is entirely reasonable to be cautious of handing over taxpayer funds to foreign investors that could potentially leave Wisconsinites empty handed.

MADISON - The following is the statement of Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning with regards to Wednesday's highly anticipated Foxxconn announcement:

martha-laning"I welcome new business and jobs to Wisconsin. After six years of seeing job creation promises go unfulfilled and watching major corporations shut down factories or move jobs elsewhere, it's great to see Democrats like Sen. Tammy Baldwin and Rep. Mark Pocan encouraging new economic activity in the southeastern Wisconsin.

"Democrats are laser focused on expanding the middle class and giving every Wisconsinite the opportunity to succeed and achieve the American Dream. But in order to have an economy that works for all us - not just the millionaires and billionaires - state-subsidized private sector jobs need to be a good investment that offers a living wage and ensures safe working conditions.

"While we are all thrilled at the prospect of new jobs coming to the state, it is entirely reasonable to be cautious of a scandal-plagued job creation agency handing over taxpayer funds to foreign investors that could potentially leave Wisconsinites with the bill decades into the future."

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