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Democrats Want Larger Voice in State Budget Proposal PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Wednesday, 19 July 2017 08:29

senateRepublican 'solutions' offered Tuesday fail to meet the needs of hard-working families in communities across our state and it's time to welcome ideas from Democrats.

MADISON - The following is the statement of Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning on the Senate budget proposal revealed Tuesday:

"Budgets are about priorities and the top priorities of Senate Republicans don't reflect the priorities of hard-working Wisconsin families who just want their roads fixed and their schools fully funded.

martha-laning"The proposal introduced today does not address the desperate needs of public schools today. Local public schools are the heart of our communities and we need to make sure we are retaining quality teachers, investing in modern facilities and meeting high educational standards to give students the best possible opportunity to get ahead.

"Great public schools don’t just lead to better outcomes and more opportunities for students - they are the heart of every local community and a key driving force for economic success. As Democrats, we know that a strong public education is the key to opening the doors of opportunity for millions of Americans.

"Republicans also proposed borrowing hundreds of millions of dollars in a short-sighted attempt to fill holes in the transportation budget. For years, Democrats have offered to work with Republicans interested in a long term solution to solve the current transportation funding crisis. Instead, they've proposed kicking the can down the road once again and add more debt for future generations.

"Wisconsin's roads and bridges have fallen deeper and deeper into disrepair because of the poor fiscal decisions Republicans have made. The time is now to make fixing our transportation infrastructure the focus. We need a serious upgrade to makes sure everyone lives a safe and prosperous life. In order for our economy to grow and for our citizens to have opportunities to succeed, now and in the future, we need sustainable, long-term solutions to our transportation funding crisis.

"The Republican 'solutions' offered today fail to prioritize the needs of hard-working families in communities across our state. Frankly, we can and we must do better. It's time for Republicans to welcome ideas from Democrats so that we can start working together to what is right for the people of Wisconsin."

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