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Wisconsin Misses Budget Deadline As Squabbling Continues PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Thursday, 06 July 2017 09:53

capitol-dome-mdsnRepublicans just can't get their act together in Madison or in Washington.

MADISON - The parades and fireworks are over, but Gov. Scott Walker and Republicans in the state legislature have yet to pass a 2017-2019 biennial state budget, missing the state's July 1 deadline. Last week, state lawmakers bickered intensely in the public over budgetary sticking points. The public squabbling mirrored that of Republicans at the federal level who continue to argue over how to kick millions of Americans off their health care insurance. Republicans control all levels of government at both the state and federal level and their inability to govern is apparent as uncertainty over health care, local school funding, and transportation infrastructure remain.

"Republicans just can't get their act together in Madison or in Washington. They're in complete control at the state and federal level, but so far the biggest hallmark of their respective leadership is a complete failure to govern," said Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesman Brandon Weathersby on Wednesday. "While D.C. Republicans can't decide how best to eliminate health care for millions of Americans, Wisconsin Republicans can't fix their broken budget-writing process. It's clear that the time is now for them to work with Democrats, end the impasse, and deliver some certainty for hard-working Wisconsinites."

WPR: Wisconsin Misses Budget Deadline As Squabbling Continues At The Capitol
By Rachael Vasquez

"The new fiscal year started on Saturday, but Wisconsin still does not have a new state budget. That's the result of a three-way Republican disagreement between the state Assembly, Senate, and Gov. Scott Walker. They're arguing over funding levels for things like roads, and education spending."


"At this point, the impasse doesn't mean a lot for the average Wisconsinite. State agencies can continue to operate under the last budget's spending levels, so most state services will go unchanged.

But if lawmakers and the governor can't come to an agreement over the coming months, road projects and school districts could be the first to see issues.

Local school districts in Wisconsin may face problems setting their budgets without knowing how much funding will be coming from the state.

Highway projects getting state funds may also risk being stalled. The Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin says that any delays could add millions in costs to taxpayers."

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