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Barca, Shankland Join Federation of Teachers to Discuss Trump’s Wisconsin Visit PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Tuesday, 13 June 2017 10:13

donald-trumpTrump’s budget proposal stands to replicate Gov. Walker’s poor choices at the federal level.

MADISON - On Tuesday, Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca and Rep. Katrina Shankland joined the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Local 212 President Mike Rosen for a press call to discuss President Donald Trump’s visit to Waukesha County Technical College.

katrina-shanklandDemocrats and AFT leadership discussed how Scott Walker’s cuts to technical colleges have rattled Wisconsin’s economy and made it increasingly difficult for Wisconsin to train skilled workers. They also discussed how eliminating Wisconsin’s prevailing wage law for municipal projects has made it possible for state tax dollars to be spent on contractors and workers from out of state.

Barca, Shankland and Rosen also examined how President Trump’s budget proposal stands to replicate Gov. Walker’s poor choices at the federal level. They also talked about needed investments in Wisconsin’s technical colleges and initiatives to expand economic opportunities for everyone.

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