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End of Veteran Home Fund Raids Rejected by GOP PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Tony Palese   
Friday, 12 May 2017 15:34

veterans-home-kingRepublicans on the budget-writing Joint Finance Committee reject Democratic proposal to prevent $26 million funding raid.

MADISON, WI – Despite ongoing issues with staff shortages, facility maintenance and mismanagement at the state’s King Veteran Home, Republican lawmakers on the budget-writing Joint Finance Committee rejected a Democratic proposal that would have prevented a $26 million funding raid. This move comes after a recent legislative audit report revealed that Republicans have already raided $21 million from the veteran nursing home since Gov. Walker took office.

jennifer-shilling“Our veterans have made tremendous sacrifices to keep us safe and they deserve the best possible care,” said Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse). “Gov. Walker and legislative Republicans should not be allowed to raid another dime from our veteran nursing homes while problems continue to plague these facilities. Rather than profiting off veterans in nursing homes, we should be improving veteran care and expanding access to health services.”

The King Veteran Home is at the center of an ongoing audit after investigative reports revealed significant health, safety and staffing issues at the facility. Democrats argued against the King Veteran Home funding raids and introduced several motions to address budget concerns, improve staff retention and increase transparency. These proposals were rejected by Republicans on the committee.

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