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Coalition Urges Support For Leading on Lead Bill PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Friday, 05 May 2017 17:27

drinking-waterThousands of children across Wisconsin are exposed to toxic lead when they drink water due to old and deteriorating lead pipes. Healthcare Professionals, Environmental Groups, Faith Leaders support SB 48

MADISON – More than 100 organizations, healthcare professionals, and faith and community leaders from across the state joined Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters today in an effort to move Senate Bill 48, the Leading on Lead Bill, to the Senate floor for a vote.

Thousands of children across Wisconsin are exposed to toxic lead when they drink a glass of water due to old and deteriorating lead water pipes. Children with elevated blood lead levels can suffer profound and lifelong problems, including learning disabilities, mental illness, increased violent behavior, more suspensions from school, and more.

rob-cowlesTo solve this problem, Sen. Rob Cowles (R-Allouez) introduced Senate Bill 48, which would allow local water utilities to offer grants or low-interest loans to homeowners to replace their lead pipes. The bill has broad bipartisan support. Of its 55 co-sponsors, about half are Republican and half Democrat. Despite this, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce is trying to kill the bill before it hits the Senate floor.

Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters delivered a letter today signed by dozens of health organizations, environmental and conservation groups, health care professionals, and faith leaders to all Senators. It calls upon the Senate to act immediately on SB 48 by scheduling a vote.

In the past two weeks, Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters and its members have produced hundreds of emails, phone calls, and conducted door-to-door canvasses to raise awareness about the bill and urge citizens to tell their legislators to support this important bill.

“It is abundantly clear SB 48 has widespread support among citizens, activists, faith leaders, and legislators,” Executive Director Kerry Schumann said. “Now it is time for Senate leadership to prioritize our children’s health over corporate lobbyists and schedule a vote without delay.”

Read the letter here.

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Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to electing conservation leaders, holding decision makers accountable, and encouraging lawmakers to champion conservation policies that effectively protect Wisconsin's public health and natural resources.

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Last Updated on Friday, 05 May 2017 19:20
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