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GOP "Double Whammy" on Prevailing Wage, PLA's Will Hurt Workers PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Friday, 10 February 2017 14:32

construction-workersWalker sneaks in a repeal of prevailing wage into his proposed budget, then the Assembly Committee on Labor votes to restrict local governments’ ability to require public labor agreements on taxpayer funded construction projects.

MADISON - Project Labor Agreements (PLA’s) are one of the few tools that local governments have left to put “Wisconsin first” when it comes to public construction projects, but last month, Republicans here began pushing legislation to prohibit local governments from using them as part of the bidding process for government construction projects like schools, libraries and jails. Poorly negotiated, this legislation will take job opportunities away from Wisconsin workers on taxpayer funded construction projects.

Then on Thursday, on a party-line vote, the Assembly Committee on Labor voted to restrict local governments’ ability to require public labor agreements, which the governor also put in his budget.

peter_barcaAssembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca was quick to respond to these GOP actions against workers in Wisconsin.

“Between the GOP leadership in the legislature and the governor, this week has delivered a double whammy for Wisconsin workers. First, the governor snuck in a repeal of prevailing wage into his proposed budget," said Barca in a statement released Thursday. "Then today, on a party-line vote, the Assembly Committee on Labor voted to restrict local governments’ ability to require public labor agreements, which the governor also put in his budget."

“Both of these moves will drive down wages for many workers in Wisconsin," Barca continues. This is exactly the wrong direction for our state. With one of the most diminished middle classes in the entire country, Democrats believe we should prioritize investing in worker training to close the skills gap and raise the minimum wage. Republicans seem to prioritize limiting local control and paying Wisconsin workers less.”

Last Updated on Friday, 10 February 2017 15:10
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