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Wisconsin Kids Still Shortchanged by Governor Walker PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Monday, 06 February 2017 12:10

school-parentsWalker's K-12 education announcement promises pennies on the dollar. Until every dollar is restored, our kids’ future will be shortchanged, says Larson.

MADISON, WI – Senator Chris Larson released the following statement regarding Governor Walker’s K-12 education announcement.

chris-larson“For the past six years, children and families in Wisconsin have unfairly been the brunt of Governor Walker’s attacks. Now, Walker is throwing handfuls of water at a fire he created - and expects everyone to cheer.

“The fact is that under Walker our local neighborhood schools have been suffocated by the largest cuts to education in our state’s history. Since 2011, cuts made to K-12 education total a staggering $1.05 billion. Until every dollar is restored, our kids’ future will be shortchanged. That’s just the figure it would take to get us back to even when Walker started.

“This continuing education funding gap betrays our kids and shows a values deficit by the Walker administration. While Walker and legislative Republicans made historic cuts to our kids, they’ve rewarded the richest in our state with tax loopholes that are costing us hundreds of millions.

“Walker has also set the record for having the largest spending of any budget in state history.

“Still, our kids continue to get the cold shoulder.

“It’s time that we restore our commitment to fully investing in the future of each Wisconsin child. This is the best way to promote economic security and prosperity in Wisconsin - by ensuring our children have access to a quality education.”

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