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Walker Response to Student Loan Debt Inadequate PDF Print E-mail
Written by GBP Staff   
Thursday, 12 January 2017 11:57

student-loansGov. Walker dodged the student loan debt crisis Tuesday by offering up only a meaningless "tuition cut" for current students. Wisconsin would be better served if the Governor would work with Democrats to pass the Higher Ed/Lower Debt bill.

MADISON - In his State of the State (SOS) address Tuesday, Governor Scott Walker discussed college affordability only in terms of how he froze tuition without properly funding the university. He offered a "tuition cut" as the cure for current students struggling with the high cost of higher education. But there was no relief for the skyrocketing student loan debt most Wisconsin students have already graduated with, despite other states allowing for refinancing of debt, including Minnesota.

dave-hansen-gb“Governor Walker gave $22 million to 11 of the state’s richest individuals but hasn’t lifted a finger to help the 1 million Wisconsin residents struggling under the burden of student loan debt," said Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay), author of the Higher Ed/Lower Debt bill to aide these Wisconsinites. "If private lenders could solve the problem they would have. Nothing the Governor said today changes that simple fact."

Wisconsin residents would be better served, if instead of attacking those who are trying to help people refinance their student loans at lower interest rates so they can buy new homes and start families, the Governor would work with Democrats in the Legislature to pass the Higher Ed/Lower Debt bill.


Legislative writer Jay Wadd contributed to this story.

Last Updated on Thursday, 12 January 2017 12:33
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