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Carpenter Asks Gov. Walker to Protect SeniorCare PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:33

elderlyMADISON, WI - Today State Senator Tim Carpenter (D-Milwaukee) asked Governor Scott Walker to use his influence on the national stage to help protect Wisconsin’s seniors.

tim-carpenter“I have read your letter to President-Elect Donald Trump and I believe that there are areas of concern that you may have overlooked; namely, the protection of our most vulnerable senior citizens," Senator Carpenter stated in his letter to Governor Walker. "We have seen time and again attacks on SeniorCare, one of our most successful programs, and I believe that it is time to make this program permanent. I believe that it’s long overdue that you seek a federal waiver to make SeniorCare a permanent program in Wisconsin.”

Senator Carpenter noted that SeniorCare serves around 60,000 seniors and saves tens of millions of dollars for Wisconsin’s seniors and taxpayers. He called for an end to the sense of unease and undue stress for those who rely on SeniorCare.

“While your letter focuses on punitive measures, I believe we can also do some good and use your connections to President-Elect Donald Trump to ask for a permanent waiver for our SeniorCare program," Carpenter said. "Doing this could help bring certainty to those living with chronic illness, on fixed incomes, and with limited resources. These seniors deserve to know that the Wisconsin prescription drug program, that they count on, will be there for them and not subject to unnecessary unease every two years.”


Legislative writer Scott May contributed to this story.

A copy of the letter is presented below:

December 20, 2016

Governor Scott Walker
115 East
Wisconsin State Capitol

Dear Governor Walker,

I have read your letter to President-Elect Donald Trump and I believe that there are areas of concern that you may have overlooked; namely, the protection of our vulnerable senior citizens. We have seen time and again attacks on SeniorCare, one of our most successful state programs. I believe that it’s long overdue that you seek a federal waiver to make SeniorCare a permanent program in Wisconsin.

Not only does this program serve around 60,000 Wisconsin seniors, it saves our seniors, living on fixed incomes, and the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars by allowing for negotiations and rebates with the drug companies.

While your letter focuses on punitive measures, I believe we can also do some good and use your connections to President-Elect Donald Trump to ask for a permanent waiver for our SeniorCare program. Doing this could help bring certainty to those living with chronic illness, on fixed incomes, and with limited resources. These seniors deserve to know that our Wisconsin prescription drug program, that they count on, will be there for them and not subject to unnecessary unease every two years.

Best wishes,

Tim Carpenter
State Senator

Last Updated on Tuesday, 20 December 2016 20:03
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