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GOP Aims to Takeaway Health Care From Their Own Constituents PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Thursday, 23 March 2017 10:44

americanhealthcareactMillions of Americans, including 49,300 in the Fox Valley/Green Bay area and nearly 240,000 statewide in Wisconsin Congressional districts held by Republicans could be harmed by ill conceived American Healthcare Act.

MADISON - Before the Affordable Care Act, millions of Americans lacked access to quality, affordable health insurance, and even those who did have coverage had little protection against insurance company abuses. It seems that Wisconsin's Republican members of Congress want to drag us back to the dark age before President Obama's landmark legislation. 

Tomorrow, the House is expected to vote on the widely-panned Republican Wealthcare bill, led by Rep. Paul Ryan, that kicks 24 million Americans off of their health insurance and forks over huge tax giveaways to insurance companies and the super-wealthy.

For some, the bill isn't bad enough, Rep. Grothman recently introduced an amendment to unfairly kick 26-year-olds off their parent's health care insurance, only allowing them to stay on their parent's plans until age 23. 

For others, like Rep. Sean Duffy, cajoling their colleagues for tomorrow's vote is more important than ensuring health care for those in his district who need it the most. 

Even those who have heard opposition to the proposal from their constituents are choosing to simply ignore them, like Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner and Rep. Mike Gallagher, who both still plan to vote for the Wealthcare bill tomorrow.  

Even Koch-brothers darling and 'repeal and replace' candidate, Sen. Ron Johnson, opposes the House's Wealthcare proposal. Johnson recently told reporters that “skeptical” was an “understatement” in describing his attitude toward the plan.

With less than forty hours to go until the vote, House Republicans haven't budged and continue to plan to vote against their constituents. How many constituents?

Rep. Paul Ryan, Congressional District 1: 49,600
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, Congressional District 5: 42,300 
Rep. Glenn Grothman, Congressional District 6: 44,600 
Rep. Sean Duffy, Congressional District 7: 52,100
Rep. Mike Gallagher, Congressional District 8: 49,300
Source: Center For American Progress, Coverage Losses Under the ACA Repeal Bill for Congressional Districts in All States, March 21, 2017

"It's not every day that I encourage anyone to follow Sen. Ron Johnson's lead, but in this case he's correct. House Republicans should be protecting their constituents and voting no on this horrible bill that rips away coverage for hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites," Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesman Brandon Weathersby said on Wednesday. "Constituents continue to call and email legislative offices in Wisconsin imploring them to vote against Wealthcare when they go to the House floor tomorrow. Republicans should listen to the people who sent them to Washington to represent them."


Correction: a previous version of this release implied the entire Congress will vote on the Republican proposal tomorrow. The current version has been updated to reflect just the House will vote on the bill on Thursday.

Last Updated on Saturday, 28 October 2017 15:58
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