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Kristina Shelton, COVID Long Hauler, and Former Meat Packer Slam Trump PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 30 October 2020 20:50

trump-gb-rally-10.30Trump and the Republican Party won’t take COVID seriously, they haven’t, and so the only way we can end this nightmare is by electing new leaders.

WISCONSIN -- Ahead of Donald Trump’s visit to Green Bay, 90th Assembly District Candidate Kristina Shelton, Rhonda Noble -- who has experienced the long term effects of COVID-19 as her son continues to battle the virus, and former meat packer Jarrett Brown held a video press conference to slam Trump for his failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has lead to a public health “nightmare” and has gutted Wisconsin’s industries. Trump has no plan to address the crisis, and Wisconsinites continue to bear the burden of his failed leadership.

Watch the full event here or see excerpts of what the speakers said below:

kristina-sheltonKristina Shelton: “In the past eight months, COVID-19 has torn through this country and torn through Wisconsin leaving business doors closed, schools are shut down, families are isolated, and they’re grieving due to losing loved ones and neighbors… Much of the suffering we have all felt over the course of 2020 could have been avoided if Trump and the Wisconsin Republican controlled legislature had taken action rather than sit on their hands… We now have over 200,000 cases of COVID in Wisconsin, and the spread has accelerated dramatically over the last month… Donald Trump and his team have been across Wisconsin holding rallies with few masks and zero social distancing. As our state grapples with this deadly pandemic, the President is holding a rally here today in Green Bay, falsely claiming as he does that we are “rounding the curve.” This is a statement he has repeatedly made after declaring the White House was done trying to address the pandemic… In one of the darkest periods of our country’s history, the president and our state leaders have given up, they've admitted defeat, and they've used their platform to run around in an elaborate attempt to cover up for inaction and their mistakes… Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris are the only two on the ballot on November 3rd that will take this pandemic seriously and save lives.”

Rhonda Noble: “My younger son, who is 16 years old, and I both began having COVID related symptoms in early May… Since then, our health and economic situation has only gotten worse because of this pandemic. My son is still very sick from COVID - he is so sick that he has to stay in bed most of the day… It has been painful having to see him suffer, especially when I know that it didn’t have to be this bad in Wisconsin. If the Republican party had taken this seriously from the beginning, I might not have gotten sick, and my son might not have gotten sick and be bed ridden right now. President Trump claims that it is “rounding the corner” and that young people face nearly zero risk from this deadly disease -- but that is a lie. It is a lie. Not only has COVID affected me and my family’s health, but it has also affected us economically… But when you are in the midst of this awful virus, you can’t even focus on the economic losses, because saving your child, making sure that they get through this, is all that matters. The worst thing about my situation is that we now know that President Trump knew since March that this was a serious, deadly virus. And he chose to ignore the experts, to shame people for wearing masks, and now he and his White House have declared they are done trying to contain COVID-19. This virus is not political. This is not a Democrat virus or a Republican virus… Trump is only worried about campaigning and getting re-elected. Not about the American lives being lost every single day to this pandemic… Trump and the Republican Party won’t take COVID seriously, they haven’t,  and so the only way we can end this nightmare is by electing new leaders. Leaders who will care that my 16 year old son is so sick he can only stay in his bed. Leaders who will listen to science and help families like mine through this crisis. Those leaders are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and that’s why I’m voting for them.”

Jarrett Brown: “Along with his failure to fight for working families, Donald Trump has failed in the fight against COVID-19… One of the hardest hit sectors here in Northeastern, Wisconsin was our meat packing industry… but the Trump administration did not step in to protect our workers. Without proper PPE and strict guidelines, Trump told the packing plants that the most important thing was to keep the doors open. In a public health crisis, the role of the federal government is to protect the public, and Donald Trump failed in that respect. All of this could have been prevented and it didn’t have to be this bad… Factories did not have to choose between staying operational or ensuring their workers' health… Factory workers, manufacturers, farmers, and the communities they support are hurting because of Trump’s ineffective leadership. His attempts to strip away healthcare, medicare, and social security would leave millions of Wisconsinites in financial ruin. This economy isn’t working for working people… The President’s blatant disregard and lack of empathy for the vulnerable and underprivileged here in the Badger state is why everyone must vote early or vote on election day. What we need right now is a compassionate leader; someone who will listen to the experts and implement the guidelines from the CDC and healthcare workers across the country. Vice President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are those leaders. They have a plan to get control of this virus and rebuild a fractured economy that has left behind hard working Wisconsinites.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 31 October 2020 14:15
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