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Stuck Questions Gallagher Campaign Motives PDF Print E-mail
Written by Amanda Stuck Press   
Friday, 30 October 2020 10:19

amanda-stuck-ad-bts8th Congressional District challenger Amanda Stuck says Gallagher campaign has tried to paint her as an enemy of the arts when his record is nothing to brag about.

Appleton - Wisconsin State Assembly Representative and Congressional challenger Amanda Stuck questions Gallagher campaigns motives behind recent push to magnify comments made by Stuck during WisPolitics video. Stuck has compared their contrasting life experiences multiple times on the campaign trail including his Ivy League education versus her experience at the University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh. She extended the comparison to their spouses by mentioning that her husband was a sheet metal journeyman while Gallagher’s wife, Anne, was an accomplished Broadway actress. The Gallagher campaign has since pushed the narrative that Stuck was insulting his wife and her career.

“I have nothing but respect for those that choose to make their living through the arts. It takes a tremendous amount of talent and determination to make it such a competitive field. I fully understand that, despite their hard work and dedication, the majority of our artists are grossly underpaid and not in it for the fame or money,” said Stuck. “I find it curious that the Gallagher campaign has tried to paint me as an enemy of the arts when his record is nothing to brag about. The Trump administration has continually threatened the NEA and NEH with defunding while Gallagher has provided zero pushback. His own rating with the Americans for the Arts Action Fund is a paltry 2%.”

The Wisconsin arts and culture sector is pivotal to the state and contributes $10 billion to the state’s economy as well as nearly 100,000 jobs. The Wisconsin Arts Board receives roughly half of their funding from the state and the other half from the NEA. They then re-grant those funds to dozens of cultural organizations throughout the state. Stuck voted for 2015’s AB 901 which increased funding for the Arts Board allowing the state to get the maximum federal matching funds.

“We have so many incredible arts programs in Northeast Wisconsin that have benefitted from NEA support over the years including the Boys and Girls Club of Green Bay, the Oneida Nation, the Stockbridge-Munsee Community, the Fox Cities PAC, both local symphonies, and numerous local universities,” continued Stuck. “The Gallagher campaign is attempting to frame this as a personal attack when the truth is I respect Anne Gallagher’s career. I want the people of Northeast Wisconsin to have the same great opportunities and education she received and that comes through funding and supporting things like the NEA and NEH.”

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