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Conservation Voters urge Patience as Every Vote is Counted PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters Press   
Wednesday, 28 October 2020 16:15

donald-trump-joe-bidenWisconsin Conservation Voters has poll workers, election protection volunteers, social media monitors, organizers, and members on alert to ensure Election Day is fair, safe, and accurately counted.

MADISON – In an unprecedented GOTV effort across the state, Wisconsin Conservation Voters and its members are anticipating a successful Election Day, but are also calling for calm, patience, and for anyone who hasn’t voted yet to so do as soon as possible.

“This is the most important election of our lifetime,” said Seth Hoffmeister, organizing and political director. “From the presidential race down to the Wisconsin Assembly – conservation, the environment, and the integrity of our democracy are at stake on Nov. 3.”

voter-us-electionsExecutive Director Kerry Schumann expressed confidence in both the efforts of voters and the process, but also made it clear that the work won’t be over until every vote is accounted for and every voice is heard.

“We’ve been part an unprecedented mobilization effort in communities across the state,” Schumann said. “The response in every district and ward has been inspiring – voters are sick and tired of the inaction and scorched-earth politics that are dominating Wisconsin today. With a week left, there are two crucial things voters must now do: get their ballots submitted or vote in-person, and be patient on Election Day as election officials count votes.”

Schumann said that with the unprecedented numbers of absentee and early voters, Election Night may feel a bit different than other election years.

“While we’re used to the instant gratification of major networks and pundits calling the races in TV-friendly ways on election nights, this year may well be different,” she said. “Our local election officials, including municipal clerks, are working very hard to ensure every vote is counted. We will need to trust in that work, and practice patience along with vigilance on Nov. 3, by giving those officials time to get it right.”

Early and absentee voting has already surpassed that of 2016, and with the threat of COVD-19 it has become a necessity for many voters who wish to protect themselves and their communities from the public health threat the virus poses.

Wisconsin Conservation Voters has poll workers, election protection volunteers, social media monitors, organizers, and members on alert and will be actively participating in helping to ensure Election Day is fair, safe, and that every vote is counted accurately.

“We’re ready, we’re engaged, we’re not going to stop working until each and every voter in Wisconsin has safely made their choices this year,” Hoffmeister said.

For more information, click here.

Last Updated on Thursday, 29 October 2020 16:53
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