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Stuck Voices Concerns Over Lack of Coronavirus Relief PDF Print E-mail
Written by Amanda Stuck Press   
Friday, 09 October 2020 08:56

amandastuck8th CD candidate Amanda Stuck questions Gallagher’s votes against the USPS Fairness and HEROES Acts.

Appleton - Congressional candidate Amanda Stuck questions Rep. Mike Gallagher’s recent votes especially his stance The Heroes Act, which has broad support from veterans and frontline worker groups. Despite the wide support, the bill failed in May and the hard working people of Northeast Wisconsin are still waiting for another coronavirus relief package which is looking more and more unlikely this year.

“His latest campaign ad, like much of his other campaign materials, touts his service record,” said Stuck. “While I have nothing but respect for the brave men and women that serve our country I am a little uneasy about my opponent behaving as though his record insulates him from the decisions he’s made that have negatively affected his fellow veterans.”

mike-gallagher-speaksIn the past year Rep. Gallagher has voted against the USPS Fairness Act and the Delivery for America Act. Both bills would have aided the financial stability USPS which is one of the nation’s largest employers of veterans. More impactfully, Rep. Gallagher voted against the HEROES Act which would have provided additional stimulus to frontline workers as well as a number of measures specifically designed to benefit active service members and veterans.

“Gallagher had an opportunity to lead by example and fight for real, tangible benefits that our frontline workers and veterans deserve,” said Stuck. “But once again he chose to turn this into another partisan issue to dance around. There were measures to increase funding to the VA, increased benefits to disabled and homeless veterans, and mental health coverage for our National Guardsmen deployed on COVID duties. Sometimes voting with your party is voting against your constituents and Rep. Gallagher votes continue to show us where his loyalties lie.

Last Updated on Saturday, 10 October 2020 09:08
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