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Gov. Evers Authorizes Additional Wisconsin National Guard Support for Kenosha County PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 27 August 2020 08:31

kenosha-streets-sas500 troops added to maintain order in Kenosha.

MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers Wednesday authorized 500 members of the Wisconsin National Guard to support local law enforcement in Kenosha County this evening. The governor is continuing to work with other states in facilitating additional National Guard and state patrol support. 

On Monday, at the request of local officials, the governor announced he authorized the Wisconsin National Guard to help protect critical infrastructure and assist in maintaining public safety and the ability of individuals to peacefully protest in Kenosha County. On Tuesday, in addition to declaring a state of emergency, Gov. Evers authorized increasing Wisconsin National Guard support for Kenosha County to 250 members. 

Pursuant to Section 321.39(1)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes, the governor ordered into state active duty members of the Wisconsin National Guard deemed necessary to support to local law enforcement and first responders in Kenosha. Any Guard members called to active duty may only be used to provide support to local law enforcement and to protect critical infrastructure and cultural institutions necessary for the well-being of the community, and to provide support to first responders such as the Kenosha Fire Department. The Wisconsin National Guard may not be used to impede the ability of people to peacefully protest or impede the ability of the media to report on this situation.

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