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It’s Time to Take Fed Money for Medicaid Expansion PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Jay Wadd   
Thursday, 02 July 2020 11:12

medicaidWisconsin should follow the lead of Oklahoma voters, says Green Bay Senator. Walker political move from years ago still costing State between $1.2 and $1.6 billion dollars.

MADISON - After voters in the heavily Republican state of Oklahoma voted in favor of Medicaid expansion and the federal funds that come with, State Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) said it is time for Wisconsin to do the same.

dave-hansen-gb“We have an opportunity to provide greater health care during this historic health crisis and help our state’s current financial picture in the process,” said Hansen noting that if Governor Walker and Republicans had accepted expansion the state would have received between $1.2 and $1.6 billion dollars.

“Even the voters in deep red Oklahoma voted to expand Medicaid and accept the federal funding that goes with. Three quarters of all 50 states, regardless of whether they are controlled by Democrats or Republicans have made the same decision. It’s past time for Wisconsin to do the same.”

Walker and the Republicans opposed the expansion as part of their larger opposition to the Affordable Care Act. Since then they have continued to oppose it even though doing so would provide health care to more people and provide desperately needed federal funds to state coffers.

“In April of 2019 70% of Wisconsin voters supported expanding Medicaid. With the current combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting fall of our economy this expansion is needed now more than ever. Republican leaders should put aside partisan politics and follow Senator Olsen’s support for expansion.”

“Oklahoma voters got this right. Wisconsin should follow their lead.”

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