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Stuck Condemns Move to Repeal Affordable Care Act PDF Print E-mail
Written by Amanda Stuck Press   
Saturday, 27 June 2020 10:51

amandastuck8th Congressional District Candidate Highlights Opponent’s Opposition to ACA and Other Healthcare Protections.

APPLETON, WI – Late Thursday night, the Trump administration filed a brief in support of the lawsuit aimed at overturning the Affordable Care Act which would be detrimental to the millions of Americans it has helped secure healthcare for. An estimated 23 million people could lose coverage and even more would lose the valuable protections that they rely on.

Wisconsin’s 8th CD is home to an estimated 20,000 people that would be at risk of losing their insurance and over 300,000 people with pre-existing conditions that would no longer be protected. This is an unconscionable decision at any time but even more so during a global pandemic where we have seen unemployment rates skyrocket. This is the exact moment when we need to be providing our citizens with a leg up and not undercutting their support systems.

mike-gallagherRepresentative Mike Gallagher has opposed the ACA and healthcare protections every chance he has gotten including:

steve-kagen-dr“I worked for Congressman Kagen during the original passage of the ACA I was able to witness firsthand the profound impact it had on so many hard-working families here in Northeast Wisconsin,” said Representative Stuck. “Attempting to strip away coverage and protections when we are facing a global pandemic and record spikes in unemployment is a craven and gutless move. Making healthcare more difficult to obtain and more financially onerous is the exact opposite of what our constituents need during these uncertain times.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 27 June 2020 11:05
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