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City of Green Bay Ends Curfew PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Bay Mayor's Office Press   
Monday, 08 June 2020 09:51

george-floyd-protest-mdsnProtests are peaceful and curfew unneeded.

Green Bay, WI - Sunday, Mayor Genrich ended the City of Green Bay Emergency Curfew because the protest is expected to be a peaceful demonstration of our community’s first amendment rights.

Our community will still be protected by laws that already exist, such as: the City ordinance “Public Peace and Good Order,” which limits noise after 10 pm and before 7 am; the 10 pm curfew for juveniles under 17; and Wisconsin State Statute “Unlawful Assemblies and Their Suppression,” which states “an “unlawful assembly" is an assembly which consists of 3 or more persons and which causes such a disturbance of public order that it is reasonable to believe that the assembly will cause injury to persons or damage to property unless it is immediately dispersed.”

The text of the “Proclamation Ending Emergency Curfew” is below.


JUNE 7, 2020

WHEREAS, on June 1, 2020, the City declared an emergency exists within the City of Green Bay resulting from civil commotion, disturbances, looting and rioting and enacted a curfew limiting pedestrian and vehicular travel in order to stop the looting and property damage to private and public property in the City of Green Bay; and

WHEREAS, on June 2, 2020, the Common Council extended the emergency until June 8, 2020, unless earlier terminated if the Mayor and Emergency Operations Manager determine that the conditions giving rise to the emergency no longer exist; and

WHEREAS, on June 7, 2020, the Mayor and Emergency Operations Manager determined that the conditions giving rise to the emergency no longer exist.

NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Green Bay hereby declares that the local State of Emergency for the City of Green Bay proclaimed by the Mayor on June 1, 2020, and ratified and extended by the Common Council on June 2, 2020, and ordering an emergency curfew in the entire City of Green Bay for all persons, is hereby terminated.

As Chief Elected Official of the City of Green Bay in testimony whereof I, Mayor Eric Genrich, have hereunto set my hand and have caused the great seal of the City of Green Bay to be affixed.

Effective immediately this _7th_ day of ___June____, 2020.


________Eric Genrich (signed)__________________________

Eric Genrich, Mayor


NOTE: Under 323.14(4)(b), Stats., this proclamation shall be subject to ratification, alteration, modification or repeal by the governing body as soon as that body can meet, but the subsequent action taken by the governing body shall not affect the proper validity of this proclamation.

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