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City of De Pere Rescinds Safer at Home Order PDF Print E-mail
Written by De Pere Chamber of Commerce   
Saturday, 16 May 2020 16:36

coronavirus-small-businessCity follows Brown County to allow businesses to reopen without risk of penalty or prosecution.

DE PERE, WI - "In response to a sudden change of direction from Brown County Health & Human Services on Friday, May 15, the City of De Pere is immediately withdrawing its local order that continued provisions of the state’s Safer-at-Home Order.

This move allows businesses in the City of De Pere to reopen without risk of penalty or prosecution, although the De Pere Health Department and other local officials strongly urge businesses and groups – and any patrons of these entities - to continue observing the public health guidance of the CDC and State while re-opening and resuming operations.

In addition to this, as always, the De Pere Health Department is available for advice and guidance as well.

Initially, after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned a statewide Safer-at-Home order on Wednesday, the City of De Pere joined Brown County (both departments have separate jurisdiction, but often work hand-in-hand due to proximity) and several other localities across the state in issuing local orders continuing Safer-at-Home guidance until May 20. This measure was announced yesterday, and done due to ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks and health concerns. Moreover, this order sought to create viable time to create more structured guidance for local businesses on how to safely re-open and resume operations from our health department.

Despite the City of De Pere wanting to foster this unified approach and avoid additional confusion for our citizens and local businesses, numerous surrounding localities, including Brown County Health and Human Services, have reversed course.

This has left our City in a difficult position, as we do not want to position ourselves on an island in our region and create further inconsistency and confusion in the County and surrounding area. Therefore, given this new direction our regional health partners have taken, and not wishing to create further divisive action or patterns of operations at odds with our neighboring communities, we are rescinding our Safer-at-Home order.

Despite this action, local government, our health department, and area businesses will continue to work steadfastly together to develop clear, strategic and consistent guidance on how to restart the local economy. That process will continue, with an eye toward providing businesses and organizations with best practices to allow them to operate in the best interests of public health and safety."

Last Updated on Saturday, 16 May 2020 17:15
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