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Brown County Health Reminder PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Bay Mayor's Office Press   
Thursday, 16 April 2020 15:32

rummagesale-gbRummage Sales and Yard Sales Prohibited Under Governor Evers’ Safer at Home Order

BROWN COUNTY, WI - Brown County Public Health, De Pere Health Department and Oneida Nation Health Department want to remind our communities that yard, rummage and garage sales are prohibited. Per Governor Evers Safer at Home order, residents are asked to only leave their homes for essential services. This includes activities such as going to the grocery store, pharmacy or a doctor visit. These measures are crucial to slowing the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Brown County.

“Due to the Safer at Home Order, many residents have been required to stay home from work. With recent warmer temperatures spring cleaning has become a central theme,” said Brown County Public Health Officer Anna Destree, De Pere Health Officer Debbie Armbruster, and Oneida Nation Public Health Officer Michelle Myers in a joint statement. “Many residents in Brown County have been able to clean their homes and yards and get rid of no longer needed items. Unfortunately, under the current guidelines it is best to continue to practice social distancing which doesn’t happen at these types of sales.”

Under article #3 of Governor Evers’ Safer at Home Order it states, “All public and private gatherings of any number of people that are not part of a single household or living unit are prohibited.” This includes open sale events either from a household or in an organized community center.

Brown County residents are encouraged to continue social distancing which includes not participating in rummage, yard or garage sales of any kind at this time.

The COVID-19 situation continues to change daily. To stay informed, please visit for local resources, and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for national information and federal resources.

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