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Hansen Supports Evers’ Decision to Suspend In-person Voting until June 9th PDF Print E-mail
Written by GBP Staff   
Monday, 06 April 2020 15:15

coronavirus-voting-us-abcnewsGreen Bay Senator says Governor Evers’ decision is intended to protect both public safety and the integrity of election. Asks Republican colleagues to drop the politics.

GREEN BAY - Today, Gov. Tony Evers, after his call for a special session on Saturday was ignored by the Republican leadership in Madison, signed Executive Order #74, suspending in-person voting for the April 7 spring election and moving in-person voting to June 9, 2020. By this writing, that same leadership has vowed to challenge this executive order to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court they packed while Scott Walker was Governor.

Last week, Senator Dave Hansen of Green Bay and others called upon Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald to immediately convene the legislature to address the many problems facing Wisconsin families due to the COVID-19 crisis and the developing dangers of holding in-person voting on April 7.

Sen. Hansen released this statement today on the developing controversy.

dave-hansen-senate“I support Governor Evers’ decision to suspend in-person voting until June 9th. No person should have to risk their life to exercise their right to vote.

“Amid the dire warnings put forth by the Surgeon General and the White House’s own experts, the next two weeks are critical to getting through this pandemic in a way that reduces loss of life. It is perhaps the most dangerous time so far during the pandemic.

“While maintaining our democracy is critical, suspending in-person voting until it will be safe to do protects both our people and our system of government.

“I urge my colleagues to put aside partisan politics and support the Governor in this effort.”


Jay Wadd provided the Senator's statement.

Last Updated on Monday, 06 April 2020 16:19
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