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Video Features Trump Voter and Fifth-Generation Farmer Discussing Opposition to the President PDF Print E-mail
Written by Priorities Wisconsin, Cassidy Geoghegan   
Tuesday, 18 February 2020 16:33

farm-familySince Trump Took Office, Wisconsin Has Lost More Than 1,900 Dairy Farms and Leads the Nation in Farm Bankruptcies

MONTFORT, WIPriorities Wisconsin today released a video featuring Jerry Volenec, a fifth-generation farmer and former Trump voter, speaking out against Trump's role in the farm crisis and the importance of getting involved ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

Though Jerry voted for Trump in 2016, he no longer supports the president due in part to the administration's failure to adequately support farmers, many whom have been having a tough go for years. “I see a stark difference in my values and what I perceive his values to be,” Volenec said.

Watch the video HERE.

“Jerry knows firsthand just how harmful Trump’s policies are to rural Wisconsin,” said Cassidy Geoghegan, Priorities USA Wisconsin Outreach Director. “And instead of adequately supporting Wisconsinites who are struggling to make ends meet, Trump is waging a trade war that kicks farmers while they’re down. We’re grateful to folks like Jerry, for speaking out and standing up to the president’s reckless policies that are hurting hard-working Wisconsinites.”

Last Updated on Tuesday, 18 February 2020 16:43
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