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Neglect of Homeless Wisconsinites Continues PDF Print E-mail
Written by Joint Finance Committee Democrats   
Friday, 17 January 2020 09:38

homeless-winterOn the coldest day of 2020, Republicans in Madison have once again left funding to combat homelessness off the Joint Finance agenda.

MADISON - Today, the Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) is set to convene for the first time in 2020, but critical funds for homelessness have yet again been left off the agenda. These funds are just some of the multitude of funding requests that JFC Republicans have opted to delay, leaving state agencies and the people who depend on them in limbo.

In July 2019, the Department of Administration (DOA) requested the release of funds passed in the 2029-21 state budget, dedicated to address homelessness in Wisconsin. After months of inaction Governor Evers and JFC Democrats called on Republicans to convene and allow the DOA to get to work on this critical issue. Governor Evers called a special meeting to force the GOP to act, but they refused to show up. Now, halfway through January 2020, there is still no end in sight for this once bi-partisan issue.

Democrats on the Joint Committee on Finance released the following statements:

jon-erpenbach“The winter months are only going to get colder,” said Senator Erpenbach. “Republicans are sitting on funds that should be utilized right now to give those who are homeless relief. Wisconsinites are sick of these games.”

“Republicans refused to show up and do their jobs in December, and they are sadly doubling down on their irresponsible behavior in the new year, at the expense of homeless children and families” said Representative Taylor. “Every year people in our state die from having to spend the night in the bitter cold. More than ever, Republicans must put people over politics and let us start to address this issue.”

“Democrats have a vision for 2020 to move Wisconsin forward,” said Senator Johnson. “Republicans are failing Wisconsin with their inaction on these issues. Wisconsinites deserves more.”

"These are initiatives that Republicans have already voted for, this continued delay signals internal dissent among Legislative Republicans," said Representative Goyke. "Democrats on the Committee stand ready to provide the needed support, we only need half of the Republicans on the committee to join. If they won't, they need to tell the truth about who is blocking them and why they won't stand up to their own leadership on a bi-partisan vote."

Republican procrastination is costing our state. JFC Democrats are ready to get to work on the issues that are important to Wisconsin. It’s time to tackle the issues that Wisconsinites care about, starting with releasing funds to help our most vulnerable.

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