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AFSCME Rejects Milwaukee Public Museum Contract Offer PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 17 January 2020 17:00

milw-public-museumUnion says management offers show disdain for employees and the community that MPM serves.

MILWAUKEE - AFSCME Wisconsin calls on Milwaukee Public Museum Inc. to extend fairness in ongoing contract bargaining with MPM employees. AFSCME Wisconsin rebukes MPM Inc.’s paltry offers which include tripling workers’ share of the health insurance deductible and eliminating cost-of-living adjustments. The offers by MPM Inc. show disdain for employees and the community that MPM serves.

AFSCME Local 526, which represents approximately one hundred employees at the museum, has negotiated with MPM Inc. since August 2019. Employees’ contract expired December 31, 2019. As a result, employees are currently working without a contract.

AFSCME Local 526 President Jaclyn Kelly stated, “our membership has spoken with one voice: we’re committed to approving a deal that respects working people, attracts and retains the best to serve Milwaukee County, and won’t disparately impact vulnerable people.” AFSCME Local 526 is dedicated to ensuring a fair contract all MPM employees which includes livable wages, affordable health insurance, and paid parental leave.

MPM custodian and union member Jamie Edison echoed employees’ desire for fairness. Edison stated, “I just want things to be fair for everyone that works here at the museum.”

AFSCME Local 526 will host an informational picket of MPM on Saturday, January 18, 2020 starting at 2:00 PM. Speakers will begin at 2:30 PM. Kelly continued, “we’re picketing to show that employees are committed to the quality of the museum the community owns.”

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