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Trump Focuses on Light Bulbs and Toilets in Milwaukee, Dems Protest PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 16 January 2020 10:48

trumpDonald Trump spent a rambling night at Milwaukee rally, Dems focus on broken promises on skyrocketing health care and prescription drug costs, erratic trade war that has strangled farmers.

MILWAUKEE, WI - Milwaukee Democrats gathered on Tuesday to call out the crisis facing millions of Wisconsinites: skyrocketing health care and prescription drug costs, and protecting those with pre-existing conditions -- and Donald Trump’s broken promises to address these issues. Just a few hours later, instead of addressing the issues facing Wisconsin, Trump went on a meandering 90 minute word-salad of a speech where he focused his remarks on things like the brightness of light bulbs and how toilets work.

Following Trump’s event, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement: "Donald Trump spent a rambling night in Wisconsin doubling down on his broken promises. Wisconsinites see through Trump’s empty words to the harsh reality: skyrocketing health care and prescription drug costs, GOP threats to protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and an erratic trade war that has strangled farmers and manufacturers. No one is willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt this time. After three years of Trump failing our state, Wisconsinites know we can't afford another four years of his broken promises."

See coverage of the events below.

Fox 6: "So we have a situation where millions of Americans who suffer from preexisting conditions are at peril if President Trump and his followers carry through with their plan to eliminate the Affordable Care Act," said Barrett.

CBS 58: Democrats highlight President Trump's 'broken promises on health care.

NBC 4: Wisconsin Democrats call out Trump’s broken promises on health care.

ABC 12: Mayor Barrett, DPW Chairman, Milwaukeeans call out Trump’s broken promises on health care.

Wisconsin State Journal: Gwen Moore: Donald Trump has a lot to answer for in Milwaukee:Between breaking his promises to the American people to lower the cost of prescription drugs, passing a tax giveaway for the wealthiest, driving farmers to the brink, and declaring war via Twitter, he owes Wisconsinites answers...Trump has not only threatened Americans’ economic stability, but he’s also jeopardized their health care. He promised that he would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with something far better. Instead, he’s running the health care system like his many failed businesses. Trump’s foray into health care included flooding the market with junk plans, leaving 2.5 million Wisconsinites with preexisting conditions more vulnerable. Another broken promise, another lie.”

Wisconsin Public Radio: “Ben Wikler, chairperson of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, said he is one of the 2.4 million Wisconsin residents living with a pre-existing condition. He said his son has the same condition. Trump promised in his 2016 campaign that everyone would have great health insurance and that he’d lower the cost of prescription drugs, but neither have happened, Wikler said. ‘From day one he’s been attacking protections for people with pre-existing conditions, trying to destroy the Affordable Care Act, while lying through his teeth about his real plans for health care,’ Wikler said.”

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “And Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chairman Ben Wikler and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said Trump's health care plans put people with pre-existing conditions in peril. Donald Trump is the number one threat to pre-existing condition protections in the United States of America,’ Wikler said at a morning news conference...Trump, a vocal opponent of the Affordable Care Act, promised as a candidate in 2016 that he would repeal and replace the law with something ‘much less expensive and much better.’ The law required insurers to cover people with pre-existing health conditions. After taking office, Trump quickly took aim at the Affordable Care Act, and his administration has been arguing in federal court that the entire law is unconstitutional and should be struck down. Overturning the Affordable Care Act could mean millions of people with pre-existing conditions could lose their health insurance coverage.

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