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Visit to Wausau Sparks Healthcare Protest PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Monday, 13 January 2020 15:27

americanhealthcareactOn Day of Lara Trump Visit, 7th CD Special Election Candidate Tricia Zunker, Constituents Slam Trump and Republicans for Broken Promises on Health Care.

WAUSAU, WI - Today, ahead of Lara Trump’s visit to Wausau, 7th Congressional District candidate Tricia Zunker and Marathon County residents Shannon Thielman and Jeannie Russell held a press conference highlighting Donald Trump’s broken promises on health care. Ms. Thielman, a nurse, has preexisting conditions and Ms. Russell, a substitute teacher, helps her son manage his diabetes.

In October of 2018, Trump visited Mosinee, where he promised “Republicans want to create better health care through more choice, lower drug prices -- and you will see, very soon, drug prices will go plunging downward. You wait, you watch. It’s all in motion.” However, prescription drug continue to skyrocket under Trump’s watch as he has repeatedly tried to take protections away from people with preexisting conditions.

Tom Tiffany and Jason Church have both vowed to be rubber stamps for Trump’s health care agenda, which would put even more 7th Congressional District residents at risk to lose their health care.

Tricia Zunker: “Jeannie and Shannon are exactly why I’m running for Congress -- because they and so many others aren’t getting the representation they deserve. There are people across the 7th District who are constantly choosing between paying their rent and paying for their medicine. It seems this administration and my opponents are simply playing partisan politics with this issue. They are choosing to break their promises rather than do what is best for this district. We deserve better, and that’s what I’m offering as your next congressperson.”

Shannon Thielman: “Donald Trump’s broken promises to lower health care and prescription drug prices are costing me, and his threat to take away [protections for those with] preexisting conditions scares me… We’re at risk if Tricia isn’t elected to Congress. Her opponents have rubber-stamped Trump’s health care agenda and would make life much harder for people like me. Every person should be able to go through their day without the constant worry that their lives will be upended because they were born with a preexisting condition or because they get sick.”

Jeannie Russell: “Trump’s broken promises are painful to us who hoped that things might change. But watching him refuse to support legislation that would lower prescription drug costs and cozy up to Big Pharma is all we need to know where his priorities stand. I literally can’t afford four more years of President Trump’s broken promises."

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