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Priorities USA Chairman Speaks on MSNBC About Super Bowl Ad Strategy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Monday, 13 January 2020 10:40

donald-trumpGroup hopes to counter Donald Trump messaging during the Super Bowl.

WASHINGTON, DC - Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil was on MSNBC Sunday morning and spoke about Priorities USA's plan to counter Donald Trump during the Super Bowl with a six-figure targeted digital campaign as part of Priorities' $100 million pre-convention program.

Over the last year, Priorities has built a model of people who are responsive to Trump advertising and messaging. Starting Super Bowl Sunday, we will layer that model on top of people who are watching the Super Bowl and serve them our ad online. We will run the ad starting Sunday and continue for a week after, to help reduce any impact his ad campaign may drive. This is emblematic of our 2020 playbook: we are committed to outsmarting Trump even with more limited resources, and will still drive impact. We can make our dollars go further without spending $10 million on an ad that will be seen by millions of people living in states outside the 2020 battleground.


The full ad can be found here.
View the MSNBC segment here:

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 January 2020 11:09
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