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On-Going Developments in Purge of Wisconsin Voter Rolls PDF Print E-mail
Written by League of Women Voters Wisconsin   
Saturday, 11 January 2020 11:57

voter-us-electionsElection Commission fails to begin purging registrations, while Wisconsin Legislature files to intervene in the Federal Court case.

MADISON, WI - Thanks to the members of LWV La Crosse Area for putting together this timeline of events connected with the maintenance of the Wisconsin voter registration lists:

12/13: Ozaukee County Circuit Court 1) ordered the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) to immediately purge over 234,000 voters from the rolls and 2) denied the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin's request to join an existing lawsuit as an intervening defendant.

12/17: The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin and two registered Wisconsin voters filed a federal due process case in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin to delay until after April 7 the voter purge of registered voters who may have moved.

12/17: The Wisconsin Department of Justice filed suit in District IV Court of Appeals in Madison, asking the court to stay the Ozaukee County ruling. More detail, including the legal brief, can be found here.

12/20: The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) asked the Wisconsin State Supreme Court to take up the DOJ appeals case, preventing the appeals court from acting on that request until the Supreme Court decides whether to take the case. 

12/23: WI Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly recused himself from the voter roll purge case if it is taken up by the WI Supreme Court.

12/30: WI Supreme Court set 1/3 as a deadline for submission of more information related to this case. The WI Election Commission (WEC) deadlocked 3-3 on a motion to begin purging registrations of voters who may have moved since the last election.

1/2: WILL asked the Ozaukee Circuit Court to find the WEC in contempt and impose $12,000 a day in fines until it immediately purges more than 200,000 voters from the rolls. More here

1/6: The Wisconsin Legislature files to intervene in the Federal Court case.

LWVWI is monitoring the activity of this case closely and will share rulings and updates as they become available.

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