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Stuck Questions Gallagher's Judgement on Air Strike in Baghdad PDF Print E-mail
Written by Amanda Stuck Press   
Thursday, 09 January 2020 10:34

qasem-soleimani-iran-iraq-airstrike-deathCongressional candidate Amanda Stuck questions incumbent’s judgement, asks Gallagher "Have You Learned Nothing?"

APPLETON - State Representative and Congressional candidate Amanda Stuck questioned incumbent Congressman Mike Gallagher’s comments on the Jan. 3 U.S. air strike against Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad. After the attack, Gallagher said "Everyone is united in the region around the idea that Iran is the bad guy, is the bad actor, and they welcome us pushing back."

Stuck, who is challenging Gallagher in the Eighth Congressional District, is skeptical.

amanda-stuck“There are good and bad actors around the globe,” Stuck said. “Nevertheless, a reckless act of military aggression is bad policy. The U.S had previously engaged in negotiations with Iran, including an agreement limiting nuclear proliferation. The Iranians were our ally against ISIS. Now, we’re in a potentially dangerous situation. The worst part is that it could have been avoided.”

Stuck emphasized that badly planned policy choices toward Iran—specifically, the repeal of the 2015 agreement limiting nuclear enrichment, the U.S sanctions that followed and the Defense Department’s inadvertent notification of U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq—Stuck questioned the shaky direction of Gallagher’s party.

iraq-protest-qassem-soleimani“This borders on incompetent,” she said. “Does Mike Gallagher really support this kind of foolishness, or is he just toeing the party line? It’s mystifying.”

Stuck also pointed to the danger facing American servicemen and women.

“There are nearly 50,000 American troops in the Middle east,” Stuck added. “This kind of reckless action puts them at risk. Have we learned nothing from two decades of fighting in the Middle East? Surely Wisconsin families aren’t ready to sacrifice their daughters and sons to another blind adventure halfway around the world. This is a big mistake and Mike Gallagher needs to take responsibility for it, not encourage it.”

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