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Evers on Oshkosh West Shooting PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Tuesday, 03 December 2019 16:17

sandy-hook-motherGovernor says we can’t just accept that violence in our schools is a foregone conclusion, and we have to get to work to keep our kids and communities safe.

MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers issued the following statement Monday on the shooting at Oshkosh West High School:

tony-evers-kathy“What happened in Oshkosh today hits especially close to home for Kathy and I—two of our kids graduated from Oshkosh West when our family lived in Oshkosh, and our hearts go out to all of the folks at Oshkosh West and the Oshkosh community as they grapple with today’s events.

It’s impossible to ignore the fact that in addition to today’s officer-involved shooting at Oshkosh West, the Sparta School District is closed due to security threats, and that this happened just a day after we had another school shooting at Waukesha South. I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again today—no kid should be afraid to go to school or be in the classroom, and no parent should be afraid to send their kid to school, either. The last two days tells us that we can’t keep pretending that this only happens in other communities or in other states—it’s happening here, too. We can’t just accept that violence in our schools is a foregone conclusion, and we have to get to work to do everything we can to keep our kids and our communities safe.”

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