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Trump’s Suburban Problem in Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Priorities Wisconsin, Cassidy Geoghegan   
Friday, 15 November 2019 14:46

trump-tariffsIn Wisconsin, as on the national level, Trump is falling behind with women and suburbanites. On the economy, a plurality of voters (45% vs 34%) say that Donald Trump’s policies have hurt more than helped our state.

MADISON - Our latest national polling memo was released separately, but I wanted to share a short WI specific supplement, breaking out how Trump is performing in WI and what that might mean for 2020.

Our new polling shows that the majority of Wisconsin voters (53%) think that things in the country have gotten worse, not better, compared with a few years ago. Similar to what we’re seeing across the country, Trump’s favorability (36% favorable / 57% unfavorable) and job approval (41% approve / 59% disapprove) paint an equally worrisome picture for the president here in Wisconsin.

harley-davidsonOn the economy, a plurality of voters (45% vs 34%) say that Donald Trump’s policies have hurt more than helped Wisconsin, suggesting that Trump’s gloating on his economic record is falling flat with these voters. Wisconsinites haven’t seen the benefit of Trump’s tax plan while they also are feeling the brunt of his trade war, which has cost Wisconsinites manufacturing job, led to record-breaking farm closures, and is costing consumers at the register. The majority (51%) of Wisconsin voters are taking note -- saying that they have not benefited at all from Trump’s economic policies, and another two-thirds of voters (65%) say that his economic policies are designed to favor the wealthy.  

Wisconsin voters are now more likely to cite Trump’s handling of the economy as a reason to vote for someone other than Trump. That’s not a surprise when 48% of voters in Wisconsin now say that their income is falling behind the cost of living, with another 46% saying they are just staying even.

The trend we're seeing on the national level, that Trump is falling behind with women and suburbanites, holds true when looking at Wisconsin. When asked if Trump's handling of a variety of issues is more of a reason to reelect him or more of a reason to elect someone else, here’s how these two critical voting blocks responded:

-The economy: 50% someone else, 33% Trump
-Wages keeping up with the cost of living: 50% someone else, 30% Trump
-Health care: 55% someone else, 27% Trump
-Drug companies and the cost of prescription drugs: 49% someone else, 24% Trump

-The economy: 48% someone else, 35% Trump
-Wages keeping up with the cost of living: 47% someone else, 28% Trump
-Health care: 56% someone else, 25% Trump
-Drug companies and the cost of prescription drugs: 47% someone else, 22% Trump

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